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The third part of the ‘Low Key’ Loki Review Podcast looks at Episode 3 of the MCU series, ‘Lamentis.’ Hosts Al Mannarino and Bill Bodkin are joined on the sacred timeline by Courtney & Marshall — the hosts of Pop Break’s monthly “Blerd Watchers” podcast (found in the Pop Break TV hub) as well as the Blerd Life with My Wife Podcast (available on Spotify, Anchor, Google and Apple Podcasts).
On the podcast they discuss the introduction of Sophia Di Martino’s “Sylvie” character — how she stacks up to Hiddleston’s Loki, if she is a variant, will she make it till the potential second season and could she actually be another Marvel character in disguise. They also discuss the lack of Mobius M. Mobius in the episode (and Owen Wilson’s glow-up) as well as long-ranging MCU impacts of the episode and potential deus ex machinas to save our heroes from a perilous end of episode fate.
Make sure to check out Marshall & Courtney’s podcast, Blerd Life with My Wife on your favorite podcasting app and on Twitter & Instagram.
And follow Marshall on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch and Courtney on Twitter & Instagram.