HomeTelevisionMarvel’s What If…? S1E6: “What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?”

Marvel’s What If…? S1E6: “What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?”

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

When Marvel released Black Panther in 2018, it was universally heralded as a complex yet rousing tale of vengeance turned to villainy and the heroism found in hope. Largely self-contained within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther introduced us to the new traditions of the fictional Wakanda, the idea of an isolationist and reluctant superpower, and the moral quandaries they have faced as a people. One of those people (albeit estranged) was the fascinating N’Jadaka… aka Eric “Killmonger” Stevens. Driven by a vision of supremacist reprisal and enabled by a brilliant mind and elite military training, Killmonger usurped the Wakandan throne in combat as the main conflict. But what if he had a backdoor to walk through?

In this What If…? episode, we go back to the beginning of the MCU and Tony Stark’s ambush in Kandahar. In this reality, instead of having a chunk of shrapnel embedded into his heart by his own bombs, Tony gains a guardian angel when Killmonger thwarts the assassination attempt and reveals Obadiah Stane as the mastermind. 

From there, Stark is manipulated by Killmonger to build advanced combat infantry drones, called “Liberators.” These need a power source and – since a miniaturized arc reactor would be silly – vibranium is the perfect fit. Killmonger begins the trail of murder that turns his victims against each other, while giving him the openings he needs to rise in power, when on a mission to procure some from Wakanda’s most notorious smuggler. 

The episode does a great job of presenting Killmonger’s greatest strengths; not his capacity for violence or his seething anger but the fierce intellect that allows his Machiavellian ambitions to become reality. He’s one step ahead of everyone who could question him and three ahead of those who don’t. He betrays Tony only to be defended by the U.S. military. He cements his position at Wakandan court by way of an elaborate puppet show. Only the dead are there to reprimand him. He’s just fine with that… and even tells them so.

With the world on the brink of war, both sides empowered by Stark-engineered weaponry, and no Avengers (because no Iron Man) to intervene, the future looks bleak. Only Pepper Potts is left with questions and only Shuri has any answers. Between them both, the truth may set them free and, in a huge departure from the show’s usual endings, their alliance promises hope.

What If? Episode 6 What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark? is streaming on Disney+


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