Yes, November 17th is National Cowboy Sh*t Day!
Dynamite begins with a big bang, Dark Order in the ring, and out comes our new AEW World Champion, “Hangman” Adam Page. Page thanks the Dark Order, thanks everyone who believed in him, and even thanked “his boss” which was meant for the fans all over who supported him on his long a tumulus journey to becoming champion. He talks about finally dethroning Kenny Omega, but the work is only beginning as Bryan Danielson is on deck as his first challenger. This prompts the new number one contender to come out, and congratulating Hangman and the two shake hands.
Then, things take “a turn.”
Danielson laments his opponent wouldn’t be Kenny Omega, and is disappointed. This evokes some boos from the crowd, as Hangman tells Danielson he defeated Omega in less than thirty minutes. Danielson, not one to shy away, goes for the jugular, telling everyone how he wrestled the very next night after winning the championship at WrestleMania.
Yes, he went there. He said it. Danielson wants to know why Hangman is out here yapping instead of wrestling. Danielson thought AEW was about wrestling, and he wants to wrestle. So Hangman calls and tells Danielson he’ll face him on Dynamite. But now, Danielson backs away, believing when he defeats Page, all he will have are excuses as to why he lost, since he’s used to making excuses since AEW began.
Ouch. Welcome to Heel Bryan Danielson folks! Reminds me of his intense uber-wrestler persona in Ring of Honor. Face or heel never mattered, it’s all about wrestling.

The Dark Order separated them before a brawl would break out, and as we come back to commercial to Danielson defeating Evil Uno. This was a really good match, Danielson withstanding every hard shot Uno could dish out, and Uno put on one of the best displays in recent memory. While the “squash” was expected, Uno put up one hell of a fight, but we can clearly see Danielson is embracing his vicious side to get the job done.
After the match, Tony Schiavone conducts and in-ring interview, where Danielson got to the point. Each week he is going to take down another member of the Dark Order, in their hometowns. Next week, in Chicago, he wants to face, and defeat Colt Cabana. I can hear the R-O-H chants now.
I am just speculating, but if my math is right, it is very likely the main event for Dynamite on its first week on TBS will be Danielson vs. Hangman. Which means, this championship match will take place in Newark.
Eddie Kingston Promo: I would watch an episode of either Dynamite or Rampage where Kingston cut a promo for the entire length of the show. I would. I really would.
His promo, fired up, intense, says he had his moments, he’s had his defeats, but now time to pursue something bigger, implying a championship run may be in his future. Just then, 2.0 and Daniel Garcia show up to antagonize Kingston. Bad move. Kingston wants to wrestle, and he wants to fight. Kingston vs. Garcia in now on the menu.
I have a feeling we will see a lot more of Eddie on Dynamite, racking up wins. I wonder who he would face though. He’s too popular to turn heel, although it was easily done with Danielson. Would we see a face vs. face title bout in the future?

Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii defeated The Butcher and The Blade
Tomohiro Ishii on AEW television is insane. I can’t believe we are seeing him team with Cassidy. It’s amazing. The match was great, and I’ll cut right to it. Ishii and Butcher throwing bombs at each other was a hell of a sight. Sure, tons of other great action took place, but this was the big moment. Ishii dropping the HFO member with a Brainbuster for the win was beautiful.
Great match, but I’m left wondering if this HFO/Best Friends feud is going to continue on. Granted both sides have their share of wins and losses, but at some point we need the exclamation mark to solidify the end of the feud. It’s starting to feel similar to the Inner Circle/Pinnacle feud where it felt just a few matches too long.
However, if this helps bring more Chaos members onto AEW TV, I will not complain.

Nyla Rose defeated Hikaru Shida to advance in the TBS Women’s Championship Tournament
With help from Serena Deeb. I like seeing Deeb on screen, she makes an excellent foil to Shida. Good match, with moments where one could not be sure who would gain victory, but once Deeb made her appearance, Nyla’s win was a lock.
Give us Deeb vs. Shida again. The first two matches were fantastic, each one gaining a win. Now it’s time for the third in their series.
Malakai Black has hate and retribution in mind for Cody and his crew. Perhaps Black’s house may start to expand?
MJF cuts an in-ring promo with Wardlow and Shawn Spears
Interesting how FTR was not with him. Can’t help but wonder if Pinnacle may have some member changes in the future. MJF initially gives the mic to a reluctant Spears, however MJF cuts a ridiculously good promo, complimenting the promo airing at the beginning of the show which took place after Full Gear. MJF says its time for his run for the AEW Championship, as there is “no one left” for him to face.
You know every time a wrestler says a line like this, someone just has to pop-up.
Enter CM PUNK. Crowd loses their minds (you know, he was booed on Saturday night…) and a “Holy sh*t” chant breaks out just by seeing Punk and MJF standing in a ring together. As the crowd chants and cheers for Punk, the Salt of the Earth gets cocky, sticking his hand out, “Hi, I’m Maxwell.”
Punk smiles, laughs, and leaves the ring.
Damn. I figured Punk would have verbally mauled MJF. But we get the opposite, which might be even greater.
Backstage, Darby Allin comments on his loss at Full Gear, and continues his quest to face the “biggest and baddest” in AEW, but is interrupted by… The Gunn Club? Billy Gunn challenges Darby to a match on Rampage, while his sons mock Darby.
This… Felt weird. When I think of “biggest and baddest” – Nick Comorotto, Lance Archer (injured), Wardlow, Butcher, Jake Hager, Tiger Ruas, Bear Country (Boulder and Bronson), or Cezar Bononi. Let’s toss Paul Wight or Mark Henry in there while we’re at it. I can’t see Darby losing to Billy, unless his sons interfere and we get a brief feud. Sting returns for another tag match? Or perhaps someone we have yet to see in AEW?

Dante Martin and Lio Rush defeated The Acclaimed
I have no idea how on earth I could describe this one. All four were on their A-game and delivered another fun match. Yes, I called it fun, because watching a great action-packed match can be fun. Sory folks, you’ll have to watch a reply on TNT or find the AEW channel on YouTube to check this out.
Post-match, Team Taz arrives to continue their efforts in courting Dante over to their side. One has to wonder when Darius Martin will return, and where his alliances will be.

Main Event: Sammy Guevara retains the TNT Championship against Jay Lethal
What. A. Match. They knocked it out of the park. AEW put on a tremendous “after-PPV” show. I was sure this was going to a draw. I really was. Kept looking at my watch as the minutes got closer to 10pm. Starting with an opening sequence we have seen before, an exchange resulting in a momentary pause and ovation from the live crowd, but they made it special. In no time the live crowd chanted “fight forever” and “this is wrestling,” which this match was a perfect example of. Great combination of high-risk moves and grounded wrestling holds.
Very interesting moment and they two fought on the floor, just as it went to a picture-in-picture commercial, Sammy appeared to have been injured and possibly unable to continue, selling the rib injury from Full Gear. However, once the commercials were over, Sammy jumped right back in the ring. Well planned, well planned. Sammy had a huge spot where he wound up plowing himself through a table with a missed senton. Lethal hit his big elbowdrop, but in a big “wow” moment, Sammy managed to roll him up for a two count. Lethal locks in the figure four, holding it for a very long time, but Sammy reaches the ropes. Sammy tried a few times to get Lethal up, but selling the injured ribs , he dropped him. Finally after another exchange, Sammy scores the GTH and retains.
This was one hell of a bout, Inner Circle celebrates with both men, nice sign of respect. Sammy’s stock is rising fast. Lethal is going to be a great addition, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but he will be a great addition to get the younger guys over.
Never thought I’d hit the day where I would say that about Jay Lethal. Dude’s always been a young guy to me.