HomeBooksComic Review: DC's Blue and Gold #2: The People's Heroes?

Comic Review: DC’s Blue and Gold #2: The People’s Heroes?

The second issue of Blue and Gold features our lovable haphazard heroes in the middle of a heist gone wrong. The mission, stopping the baddies from pillaging Kord Industries valuable and mostly-secret technology.

Of course, Booster Gold sees yet another opportunity to live-stream his so-called heroism while Blue Beetle, is trying to salvage technology being stolen from his own company.

A little backstory, in this new-yet-altered universe, Ted Kord inherits the company following the demise of his father. However, as these stories are now taking place in the ageless Omniverse (go google it, I’m not going to try to explain DC’s latest alterations), Ted is forced out of his own company due to the rest of the board simply voting him out. Tough times indeed.

Ted is voted out as he pitches the idea of funding Booster Gold and Blue Beetle as “neighborhood heroes” who take care of the problems the Justice League or other “big hitters” won’t do.

This issue deals mostly with Ted Kord and his frustrations with having to reign in an overzealous Booster from making one mistake after another. What I enjoy most, is how many of these interactions take place while, in costume, walk around city streets among us ordinary citizens. They get shouted at, asked for autographs, and even selfies. It feels very grounded to see these two do this, while most other heroes will fly or meet in some secret base.

While some may feel the final pages were a bit over the top, but I found it to have some very interesting callbacks to the original Justice League International. Booster decides not to wait for Ted, and states during a press conference he plans on forming “Blue and Gold Restoration Services” as storefront, visible heroes who are present for people in need. Even better, the services are free. Oops, he probably should have waited for Ted to give him the bad news.

The artwork with the cheesy grin and finger point from Booster is phenomenal. Big kudos to Ryan Sook. He evokes the comical style of the JLI of old. Speaking of which, anyone who read the JLI should recognize history repeating itself. Remember the antics of one Maxwell Lord? Setting up a “neighborhood heroes” company?

Keep reading!

Blue and Gold #2 is available at your local comic book store

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis has been a writer for The Pop Break since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. When he is not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives at the television while playing video games or watching wrestling, Michael actually has a full-time job,as a Mental Health Professional, working at a medical practice in New Jersey, and runs his own telehealth private practice. A family man through-and-through, requiring his three children to memorize all the Autobots and Decepticons on the collection shelves while also educating them in all things Marvel and Star Wars. You know, the stuff Disney owns.

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