The Surfrajettes are quite simply a force to be reckoned with in the modern surf music scene. Aesthetically, the band undeniably wears their influences on their sleeves, but diving into their music you can feel the band’s musical talent and their unapologetically fun vibe pouring out of your speakers. Their unique covers of pop classics, their sense of respect to the classic surf sounds and their own modern take on the genre make this band, fresh off the release of their first full-length album, the band to watch in the surf scene.
We caught up with The Surfrajettes to talk about their first full-length record Roller Fink, their cover of the Britney Spears’ classic “Toxic,” Quentin Tarantino and performing at Sea.Hear.Now 2022
Tell us about your new record Roller Fink. How do you feel this album stands out from the rest of your catalog?
Since this is our first LP, we think we finally got a chance to show everyone what we’re about in more than just a few songs, like our previous singles and EP. We were really able to have fun with the concept, which is roller skating!
You’ve done a bunch of great covers throughout your career — what’s the one the fans request the most, and what’s the one you love performing the most and why?
We would have to go with Britney Spears’ “Toxic!” It’s definitely a fan favorite and how a lot of people discovered us in the first place. It going viral on YouTube a few years ago has sort of solidified itself as a hit for us. We think people also just like hearing songs they would never expect as surf covers.
I saw in your Spotify bio you mentioned dreaming about being in a Tarantino film. If you had to pick any Tarantino film to be in — what would it be and why?
We would have to go with Pulp Fiction! Go back to when they started bringing surf back in their films!
For anyone heading out to Sea.Hear.Now and is interested in checking you out for the first time — what is a song of yours that you would recommend they pre-game with in order to understand the vibe of The Surfrajettes?
We would recommend our new single, “El Condor Pasa”, which is our take on the Peruvian folk song classic, or “Couch Surfing”, which is and original our Roller Fink album. Both are bops and would get anyone in the mood for surfing…
Will this be the largest performance you’ve ever been involved in? If so, how do you feel heading into the weekend? If not, can you talk about how you perform in a festival setting vs. a club setting?
This will definitely be one of, or the biggest event we’ve been involved in. I think our formula is about the same for both settings, we just need more sunscreen for the festival outdoor stages to prevent go-go boot burn lines!
After your set is done, whose set are you looking forward to checking out?
I think we’re going to try and see as many bands as we can! Boy George, My Morning Jacket, and Stevie Nicks are certainly a must though! We’re also excited to play with Black Flamingos at the after party!
Can you talk about how the surf music scene has evolved since you became a part of it?
The surf scene definitely seems to be more diverse now, with bands from all over popping up with different takes on the traditional theme. It’s very cool!
What is it that you love about being in this band?
Traveling! Though it can be exhausting, we have definitely been able to see many places and have a lot of experiences we might not have had otherwise. It’s also so great meeting new people and fellow musicians. It’s very inspiring!
What are you most excited for — outside of Sea.Hear.Now — for the future of The Surfrajettes?
It’s always exciting seeing where things will take us, the music industry is so unpredictable, but that can also be the exciting part, you never know what opportunities are around the corner. We’re also excited to hopefully continue to inspire young musicians to pick up and instrument! That’s a huge plus for us!