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‘For the Future’ is the Perfect Set-up for The Finale of The Owl House

Photo Credit: Disney+
The Owl House has returned to our screens for the next to last time, and it’s nothing short of special. ‘For the Future,’ which premiered on January 21, is packed from start to finish with magical moments, character exploration, and genuine love, three elements that have made the series what it is for years. It’s also a bittersweet reminder of why fans will miss the show when it’s time to say goodbye for good.

The first episode of Season 3, ‘Thanks to Them’ premiered in October 2022 and gave us a glimpse into Luz (Sarah-Nicole Robles) and the crew’s adventures in the human realm — from holidays to haircuts to badly cooked meals to dancing in the rain. It was truly what fans imagined if the crew was to go to the human world and an episode that put a guaranteed smile on any viewer’s face. The second part is where the group finally returns to the Demon Realm, where Luz’s mom not only gets to see the magical wonders Luz described first-hand but where we find out where everybody else has been for months.

‘For the Future’ is extremely fun as we return to the shenanigans of the Demon Realm and all of the place’s quirks. This new installation makes you appreciate the first episode that much more for giving us a peek at what it would be like if the crew got to hang out in the human realm – a unique and anticipated departure from the other episodes. Still, it’s ultimately satisfying to see everyone back in the world of magic, even if there are more than a few issues.

For one, The Collector (Fryda Wolff) has made King (Alex Hirsch) his best friend (unsurprising) and has turned a majority of the Boiling Isles into puppets that he uses in his childish games. The whole place is swamped with bright colors and imaginative imagery. King is trying to stop The Collector, of course, by secretly seeking the help of Eda (Wendie Malick) and Lilith (Cissy Jones), both of whom are sporting excellent new haircuts. Sadly, everyone else (including Raine, Hooty, Principal Bump, the grudgby team, etc.) has been turned into puppets, which we see in a quick flashback to what happened while Luz and the others were gone.

To absolutely no one’s delight, Kikimora has not been turned into a puppet and is running the school, telling the only grudgby team member left, Boscha, what to do. This is why the one and only refuge for non-puppets – Hexside – has been turned into a chaotic dump. Well, not for long! Luz, Amity (Mae Whitman), Gus (Isaac Ryan Brown), Willow (Tati Gabrielle), and Hunter (Zeno Robinson) are on the case and attempt to get everyone together to overthrow the Collector. Even though it takes some pushing (especially because of Kikimora), they are able to teleport to the heart of the Collector’s lair.

Meanwhile, King is staging a plan with Eda and Lilith, but Belos (Matthew Rhys) will not give up his evil plans and tries to find a new body to possess. He creeps into the Collector’s home and possesses Raine’s puppet body, going straight up to the Collector and telling him about King’s plan to betray his “friend.”

This sets up the season finale for absolute havoc, of the magical kind of course. “For the Future” is done incredibly well in that it gives us character development – like Willow allowing herself to feel her emotions – and grows relationships, like Willow and Hunter’s budding romance. It also explores the idea that the Collector, despite the pain he has caused, is not all evil and is also just a child.

There’s no doubt the next episode will be as exciting as it is tear-jerking, as it will be the final episode of the series. Yours truly isn’t ready to say goodbye to such an emotional and comforting show, but if the previous two episodes are anything to go by, The Owl House will be ending with a very satisfying bang.

The Owl House airs on Disney XD and can be streamed on Disney+


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