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Blerd Watchers Podcast: Ted Lasso + Vox Machina Reviews, Plus WGA Strike Fallout

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Welcome to Blerd Watchers! ThePopBreak.com’s monthly podcast about TV shows with a Blerdy twist!

Come hang out with Courtney & Marshall, two married Blerds, as they navigate all the dopeness on TV and share insights and opinions on the monthly show topics!

This month, our dynamic duo do another round of trailer talk for Disney Plus’s upcoming series Secret Invasion. Then they check in on the third season of Apple TV Plus’s Ted Lasso and the first season of Prime Video’s The Power, before providing a season review for the second season of Prime Video’s Legend of Vox Machina. They also take a bit of time up top to discuss the WGA’s strike and how it might impact the entertainment landscape.

Topic Time Codes:

  • Secret Invasion Trailer 2 Cold Open
  • State of TV going into the writers strike (3:25)
    • What do we expect? 
    • Chat gpt supremacy? 
  • Commercial Break (14:17)
  • Ongoing series
    • The Power Season1 (Prime) (after commercial break)
      • Premise
      • Characters 
      • Initial thoughts
    • Ted Lasso S1-3.10 (Apple TV) (commercial break + 19:30)
      • Premise 
      • Characters 
      • Best comfort watch on tv? 
      • Themes 
    • Full Series Review 
    • Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 (commercial break + 34:53)

Blerd Life with My Wife – John Wick 4

Follow Courtney on Twitter & Instagram and Marshall on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube, TikTok. Merch now available!

Make sure to check out their other podcast, Blerd Life with My Wife on your favorite podcasting app and on Twitter & Instagram.

And head on over to their Patreon page for extra content.

Pop-Break Staff
Pop-Break Staffhttps://thepopbreak.com
Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.

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