HomeTelevisionROH TV Episode 38: 62 Minutes Later

ROH TV Episode 38: 62 Minutes Later

Photo Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

This episode almost did not happen at all. ROH had a lot of technical difficulties heading into this episode that caused the stream to start 62 minutes late. Despite all of that welcome to another week of reviewing ROH!

Peter Avalon vs Trent Baretta: Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander accompanied Baretta to ringside and were in his corner the entire match, that was nice to see. The crowd was into this match as it was an insane back-and-forth between both men. Avalon has been on ROH a lot more recently in the last couple of weeks, where Baretta since Taylor is injured just needs something to do. Taylor gets the win to open up this week’s episode of ROH!

Winner Trent Baretta

Dalton Castle Promo: Castle says he has never been more confident and calm heading into a match than he is tonight. He says he has been watching Kingston for years, but he knows that he is better than him. He says he won the ROH Championship with a broken back and he knows he can do it again tonight when he is 100% healthy. He says he will make the ROH viewers happy when he wins the title and he can not wait to throw a celebration party. 

The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) vs Jacoby Watts and Sebastian Wolf: Jacobi Watts does the introductions for both himself and his tag team partner. Watts and Wolf had some offense within this match, but ultimately this was just a squash match.

Winners: “The Outrunners” (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd)

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal Promo: Sydal says this is in their blood and they are the top team within ROH. Daniels says he and Sydal have been around for a while, but they have to keep proving themselves within ROH. If they want to become ROH Tag Team Champions they have to win their match tonight. When Lexy wished them good luck, Daniels said he did not need it as he stormed off.

Emi Sakura vs Kel: Another squash… Honestly, I want to see more of Sakura in ROH keep doing this!

Winner: Emi Sakura

Outrunners Promo: The Outrunners are very excited that they won, and they hear the crowd wants more of them. Magnum says they are here to stay in ROH and the beat-ups have just begun. They are in ROH to prove who the best tag team in all of ROH is.

Bollywood Boyz (Gurv and Harv) vs The Boys (Brent and Brandon Tate): The battle of the twins. I like it when the Bollywood Boyz come to ROH they are over with the crowd and continue to put on good matches. The funniest part was trying to tell who was in the ring at all times since there were two sets of twins in the match. The Boyz pick up the win by themselves without involvement from Dalton Castle.

Winner: The Boys (Brent and Brandon Tate)

Tony Khan Announcement:  Tony Khan gives us an update on the TV title. He says the new champion will be crowned at Final Battle. There will be a series of eliminator matches to ultimately lead to a six-way survival of the fittest match.

Renegade Twins Promo: They say that Hersch and Ellering are not an established tag team, while The Renegades are since they have 23 years of experience. They hinted at the possibility of an ROH Women’s Tag Division and said they would be the face of that division. Maria Kanellis comes and asks them to talk.

Athena and Billie Starkz vs  Johnnie Robbie and Brooke Havoc: Athena and Billie Starkz have matching gear! So nice to see. Halfway through the match, Starkz yells at the referee for not counting to three and after the match, Starkz and Athena apply the same submission on their opponents.

Winners: Athena and Billie Starkz

Ethan Page Promo: He considers last week his biggest win in ROH. Mark Sterling says he wants to get the match with Serpentico threw out since Page “cheated”. Nese says that he is 1-0 against Page and that makes Page upset. Page calls Nese a chicken and challenges him to a match next week and Nese accepts.

The Renegades (Robyn and Charlette Renegade) vs Leyla Hersch and Rachael Ellering: Ellering tries to give Hersch a high five but she walks right past her. This in my opinion was the Rennegade’s best match in ROH. This match also got a ton of time and was also nice to see. I have said it since this team started a couple of weeks ago, I love the pairing of Hersch and Ellering, and I hope they keep this team together. After the match, Maria comes out to help Hersch stand up and she pushes Ellering out of the way.

Winners: Rachael Ellering and Leyla Hersch

Athena and Billie Starkz Promo: Athena says that Starkz has shown more violence and she is truly getting somewhere. Athena can not wait for Final Battle and she says that looking for an opponent is hard because the entire roster is trash. She looks at Nair and Starkz and says they can not stay in MIT forever, so they either have to step up or Athena will stomp them out. Athena storms off and Nair and Starkz look concerned, Nair says that was a threat.

Marina Shafir vs Amira: Shafir dominated this match… another squash … sigh.

Winner: Marina Shafir

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal vs Komander and El Hiljo Del Vikingo: Still ask myself why Daniels is somehow wrestling every week on this programming, but regardless. This match was fun, with great back and forth between the veterans and the new incomers in the business. Vikingo and Komander can be a great tag team, I would not mind them getting a future ROH Tag Title opportunity somewhere down the line.

Winners: Komander and El Hiljo Del Vikingo

ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Eddie Kingston vs Dalton Castle: The second week in a row where the ROH World Heavyweight Championship is being defended, maybe ROH does listen to me. This was one of the better main events on ROH TV in the last month and a half. Castle continues to carry the men’s division of ROH on his back as he proves himself in this match. Kingston also had a great showing and I hope he appears in ROH more frequently. After the match was over Kingston cut a promo saying to shake his hand as this match was for Brodie. Castle did just that as he praises Brodie Lee.

Winner: “And Still” Eddie Kingston

Eddie Kingston Promo: Kingston says he is tired because he sees world heavyweight champions not wrestling often and taking up the show. He says as a champion you are supposed to prove why you are a company man. He says that there are world champions who are selfish and greedy and that is not him, he is true and we need to remember that.

Overall: Unfortunately with the episode starting as late as it did, not many people were watching live. Also, there were way too many backstage segments on this week’s episode. I understand that we are trying to tell stories, but that is not how to do it. The wrestling as usual was amazing, just fix the technical difficulties and backstage segments and we are good to go.

ROH TV Episode 38 is streaming now on watchroh.com

Kimmy Sokol
Kimmy Sokol
Kimmy Sokol is known to do many things in the world of professional wrestling. If she is not writing on thepopbreak, she is co-hosting The Bob Culture Podcast and traveling the country working with the biggest wrestling superstars on the convention scene.

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