As we close the chapter on Vengeance Day we now move towards Stand and Deliever Season. With championship gold on the line and multiple superstars gunning for an opportunity to be on the card, let’s see how this weeks NXT Episode did.
Meta Four Promo: Meta Four is getting ready for their match as they say there is no way they are going to lose tonight against Robert Stone and Von Wagner. Wagner and Stone come and start beating them up and take them out of the locker room. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson run out to find the rest of Meta Four. When they come out of the locker room Stone’s sons are there as they tell Jakara and Legend to go in opposite ways. The boys praise themselves for helping with the sneak attack plan.
Robert Stone and Von Wagner vs Noam Dar and Ora Mensah: This was a quick one and was more about the fact of Stone stepping into the ring then anything else. When it looked like Wagner had the win Jakara and Legend distracted the referee which led Mensah to take out Wagner’s leg. This led Dar to take advantage and pin Wagner to win the match for his team.
Winners: Noam Dar and Ora Mensah
Chase U Promo: After a delayed start to the Spring Semester, Chase U is back because of Jacy Jane. Thea Hail goes on to talk to Riley Osborne as Adriana Rizzo enters Chase U. Jane gives her an envelope of money and says she threw extra money in the envelope because of the success of the calendar sales. Rizzo accepts as Jane tells her if The Family retain their tag titles in the main event they should give Chase U a shot at gold. Rizzo says she will see what she can do as Chase U chants Jacy’s name.
Ridge Holland vs Gallus in a Gauntlet Match: The numbers game got to Holland in this one. As he got through his first Gallus member and moved on to his second Gallus on the outside got involved to make sure Holland would not get through all three member of Gallus. They started to beat Holland down until he got a steel chair and turned his fate around.
Winner: Ridge Holland
Von Wagner Promo: Lexis King praises Stone and Wagner as Wagner tells him to get lost. King says that Wagner should be frustrated with losing all the time and says that Stone’s kid should look up to a real role model like him and he calls the kids brats. Stone yells at King to not talk about his kids that way as Wagner says that King is not worth getting angry about.
No Quarter Catch Crew Promo: They admire the No Heritage Cup as they talk about how the cup represents British Wrestling and it is held by a clown that does not take it seriously. Dar and Mensah interrupt and tell them they are not allowed to touch the cup because they are scared they are going to steal it. They say they are not going to do that but they want a shot at the cup as Dar walks away.
Tatum Paxley vs Lola Vice:
Halfway through the match Lyra Valkyria came out to support Paxley which surprised the commentary team, since she always wants Paxley to stay away from her. Paxley put up a fight as Valkyria cheered her on, but she ended up taping out to Vice as Valkryia carried her to the back after the match.
Winner: Lola Vice
The Family Promo: Rizzo says that she has things covered tonight and she is going to get the win. Rizzo tells them to stay in the back and not get involved in her match. D’Angelo says it is Stand and Deliver season and tonight they are going to prove why they are the NXT Tag Team Champions.
Lyra Valkyria Promo:
Valkyria says that Paxley had a rough night when Shotzi interrupts. Shotzi says they can go back and forth on social media all they want, but they need to settle this in the ring. Valkyria says that she is ready to take her on next week. Shotzi says she wants to walk into Eliminaiton Chamber as champion, but Valkyria says that is never going to happen. Shotzi walks away as Paxley wakes up all excited that they are going at it with Shotzi next week.
Adriana Rizzo vs Jaida Parker: The one thing that you can tell in this match is both of them are extremely green. Although Rizzo had the fire and definitely brought the fight to Parker, but at the end of the day it was not enough to stop Parker who just hits different.
Winner: Jaida Parker
Dijack Promo: Dijack watches back his segment from last week and when Gacy interrupts he gets angry and throws the tablet across the room. He reaches from under the table and grabs a black duffle back and looks through it and smiles. He grabs the bag off the table and walks off.
Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin Promo: Corbin says that Breakker s too focused on his Smackdown and Raw contracts and not the true task at hand and that is winning the NXT Tag Titles. Breakker says he does not understand why Corbin is not still celebrating from the big game this past weekend, when Corbin assure him he will be at the parade tomorrow and he wants to bring one half of the NXT Tag Titles with him. He says that he has not held gold in six years and he is hungry so tonight they have to do everything they can to make sure they win the titles.
Carmelo Hayes vs Joe Gacy: This was a great match as Gacy really brought it to Hayes. Vic Joseph brought up the great point that Gacy is the first person to be able to get his hands on Hayes since he turned on Trick Williams. Hayes gets the win as the crowd boos. After the match Dijack comes out and beats down Gacy. He hits him with his duffle bag and then puts him in a straight jacket. Gacy cotninues to laugh and smile the whole time to continue playing the mind games with Dijack.
Winner: Carmelo Hayes
Roxxane Perez Promo: Perez does not think it is fair that Shotzi was just handed a NXT Championship match just because of a tweet. Wren Sinclair tries to calm Perez down, but she slaps her and runs out of the locker room.
Oba Femi Promo: Femi says he is happy to still be North American Champion, but he is ready for another challenger. Lexis King comes out and says that since Femi says he is the ruler that makes King, his King. He wants a title opportunity and Femi grants him one for next week. King attacks him, but Femi gets the upper hand.
Josh Briggs Promo: Briggs talks about the game this past Sunday when Brooks Jensen walks in and attacks Birggs from behind. The two go at it as the locker room tries to separate them. Ava comes in screaming as she says you will not settle this in here you will settle this in the ring.
Kiana James vs Brinley Reece: I expect James to have a big 2024 with how well they are booking her. This match was a quick one as James gets the win.
Winner: Kiana James
Ava Promo: Ava makes Biggs and Jensen official as Roxxane storms into her office. She begins to complain to Ava about Shotzi getting a title shot, but Ava is more interested in talking about Perez slapping Sinclair in the face. Perez says Sinclair was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that is not an excuse. She books Sinclair and Perez for a match next week and if Perez wins they can discuss another title opportunity for her down the line.
Malik Blade & Edris Enofe Promo: They feel bad that Reece lost and they are coming up of ways to make her feel better. She says that she has never felt better and even though James has the experience she is motivated to work harder and become a better wrestler in the next coming weeks.
NXT Tag Team Championships: The Family (Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo) vs Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin: At times this match felt rushed, but both teams absolutely killed it. The one thing I wish is that they did the whole Breakker contract storyline after this match so it made more sense for why Breakker wanted to move up to the main roster. Breakker hit a huge spear to gain the victory as Corbin finally holds gold for the first time in six years.
Winners: “And New” Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin
Overall: Unfortunately I was not impressed with this weeks episode of NXT. Nothing major happened and the wrestling was not as good as the last couple weeks have been. This was more of a storyline purposed episode as you can see what the card is shaping like for Stand and Deliver, but I just hope next weeks episode is better.