The Road to Revolution continues on AEW Dynamite 2/14. Dynamite features a number of fun matchups and some more hype for the upcoming PPV event.
In the opener, Jon Moxely defeated Dax Harwood by submission. Fantastic match. Dax has potential to be a massive singles wrestler should his career go in that direction. While he has suggested he and Cash Wheeler will hang up the boots at some point in the not-so-far future, a singles run for Dax would be worth watching. I’m a bit disappointed it didn’t go to the time limit draw as they were extremely close to it. Likely because we just had a draw between Swerve and Hangman they didn’t want to use it again. Thing is, in a match like this, the draw would have been fine as it would have put Dax over as a hard-fighting wrestler against Mox.
Also, we are starting to steer dangerously close to Mox (or anyone affiliated with the BCC) being unbeatable unless it’s a special marquee match. There was zero presence this week from any CMLL wrestlers, and it feels as though this feud is petering out. CMLL only got wins over low-to-mid-tier wrestlers like Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels. Not a single win over a BCC member. It would have been smarter to have a CMLL guy, like Hechichero defeat at least Claudio in a singles match to show an unfamiliar audience to take these guys seriously. With so many losses in big matches, there’s no draw.
Speaking of the BCC, they stormed the ring to beat up on Dax, and despite Cash running for a save, it was futile.
Wardlow beat a guy
He beat up a jobber. Yay. This doesn’t feel like it’s working.
Adam Copeland and Daniel Garcia went to a No-Contest
Thanks to interference from The Patriarchy, an excellent match was left hanging. Crowd was red hot for Garcia. Copeland slid into heel mode for a good part of the match, but it was fun to watch. This is the Daniel Garcia we have been missing out on. I still think his allegiance with the JAS was a bad move, as it deflated his rise in the company. However, it seems he has gotten his second wind and Garcia is the wrestler fans have been asking for.
The end result was disappointing, but is a rarity in AEW. This type of finish doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it should have significance. My concern is another “draw” will result in yet another three-way for the TNT championship. If this is the case, then Garcia is my pick to win so Cage and Copeland can have their big match without the limitations of a championship being on the line.
Samoa Joe, Hangman Page, and Swerve Strickland
Overall a good segment, but it did feel at times Page and Swerve were ignoring Joe. Guess what? Joe noticed and boy did he blast them both with one hell of a promo. This has become a story about a few things. Swerve, wanting recognition and respect. Page wants to end Swerve’s aspirations. For Joe, it’s all business.
I find it really amazing how going into this, Swerve was the heel. They had him do a home invasion angle! Heinous acts! Yet now he is the babyface going into Revolution.
Toni Storm released her newest picture, where she modifies her tattoo in disrespect towards her opponent, Deonna Purrazzo.
The Corporate Bucks defeated Top Flight
They wrestled in the blood-soaked white suits from last week. Wow. A good match, with some over-the-top heel antics from the Jackson brothers. They call out for an AEW Tag Team Championship match, claiming to be on top of the rankings. Well, when there are so few tag teams actually competing, it isn’t difficult to qualify.
Darby Allin arrives to cut a promo which echoes many critics of the “California Club.” He runs down the Bucks and how they’ve abandoned the original mission statement of AEW.
I’m guessing he drew some inspiration from Jim Cornette?
Backstage the Bang Bang Scissor Gang issued a challenge for a 12-man tag match for Rampage.
I’m convinced at this point the only purpose of this stable was just to create “Bang Bang Scissor Gang.”
Willow Nightingale defeated Skye Blue
Looks like Willow will be the next challenger for the TBS Championship. Really good match, a few overly paced spots but this is the world of pro wrestling after all. Can’t be perfect all the time. Interestingly, Stokely Hathaway distracted the ref which allowed for Willow to kick out of the Code Blue and then hit the Doctor Bomb for the win. Heel tactics for a babyface? Hmmmm.
AEW Dynamite 2/14 Main Event: Orange Cassidy defeated Matt Taven in a Texas Death Match
They were in Texas, so you have got to give the people what they want. No title on the line, so Cassidy could have taken the loss. Regardless, this “Death Match” was so much fun. Sorry for you hardcore nutjobs, but wrestling is supposed to be fun. Gotta throw a little bit of comedy in there. OC finding a Valentine’s Day present from the injured Kentucky Gentleman himself, Chuckie T. It’s a heart shaped box of course, but with thumbtacks! We got a few table spots, one of which saw Taven soar over the ropes and plow himself through one. Gorgeously horrific.
After a few thumbtack spots, Mike Bennett tried to interfere, but was stopped by a pipe-wielding Trent Barretta. OC wins with a Beach Break.
AEW seems to be on a solid roll with their weekly shows. They are once again hitting a successful stride of solid shows, I of course always hope they can continue this past the pay-per-view.