HomeBooksReview: Radiant Black 29 & 29.5

Review: Radiant Black 29 & 29.5

Radiant Black is BACK!

It’s been months of impatience and eager anxious anticipation for the next two chapters of The Catalyst War. It’s hard to believe the previous chapters came out back at the end of February! While there may have been other comics from Image to keep me distracted, the anticipation for the release of Radiant Black 29 and 29.5 continued to grow. 

They did not disappoint. To recap, when the initial split took place, one could read either issue as they were running parallel to each other. However, with the latest, chapters must be read in order, as the events of Radiant Black 29 are expanded by 29.5. 

If you have not read or caught up by now, consider this your one and only SPOILER ALERT WARNING.

In the whole number universe, Nathan is dead. Marshall is angry. Upon confronting the Premier, we learn more of how the Catalyst subjugates worlds, and bend their populace into accepting their role with the new global regime. More backstory is provided of how one becomes a herald and the power of the Radiant is given to those who will serve. We then learn of how these powers were stolen and why they came to Earth. Another death occurs, eliminating another key player. Marshall is presented with a choice to be the leader of the world, and in return, there will be no more death and destruction. As a result of witnessing the sheer overwhelming power of the Catalyst, Marshall makes a choice impacting the other members of the Radiants. Ultimately this leads to a tragic confrontation with fatal results, and Marshall is forever changed. 

In the .5 timeline, Nathan lives, and the team work together to find any solution to end the Catalyst invasion. Thousands of lives already lost. Nathan at a breaking point. However, the arrival of Radiant Pink reveals Wendel (Yellow Radiant) is not lost, just, “timeless.” As Nathan and Marshall agree to work together, Nathan takes a more methodical approach in observing surroundings and has a clearer understanding of who their opponent is. As they encounter Wendell, he transports them to the prime number timeline where it is revealed what Marshall has done. Clearly this news shocks all involved, but also provides clarity as to what decisions need to be made. 

The final chapters will reveal who won the poll taken about a year ago, asking who should be the one, and only one to wield the power of Radiant. It will also seem to reveal further into the origins of this cosmic power and possibly other beings who want to possess it. 

Incredible pair of issues. I can’t get over the creativity and can only imagine how this team puts it all together. It’s truly remarkable how the clever nature of writing parallel stories flow so well. Kyle Higgins, Joe Clark, Eduardo Ferigato, Becca Carey, Marcelo Costa, Rod Fernandez, Raul Angulo, and Michael Busuttil are an elite stable of masterful storytelling.

The wait was worth it. The hype is real. 

Radiant Black #29 and 29.5 are available at your local comic shop.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

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