HomeTelevisionAlan's Soap Box: Best & Worst of Soaps 2024 Part 1

Alan’s Soap Box: Best & Worst of Soaps 2024 Part 1

As 2024 is almost over, it is time to reflect on what happened this year on soaps. There was a lot of bad stuff. I had to devote two columns to the clusterfuck on GH. There also were some good things that actually deserve praise and I will dole that out.

Weirdest Writing Choice On GH: The Homophobe Is Somehow a Victim

There were multiple writing choices I considered for this category. I thought about Ava randomly burning her life to the ground to get close to Sonny. I also thought about Laura championing serial killer Heather like they were old pals. Sasha deciding to make chicken pot pies for rich people instead of being a model was a contender. Ultimately I had to go with the writing choice that I couldn’t think of any justification for which was painting Natalia as a victim.

I can’t comprehend why they thought Kristina and Blaze telling Perez Hilton that a homophobe was a victim for being exposed was a good idea. I remember when soaps would have homophobes getting read for filth. In 2024, they are coddled and paired with the leading man of the show. It isn’t just a weird choice. It is offensive and the fact that many people approved it to air on national television speaks to their poor judgment.

Best Actress In a Shitty Story: Sharon Case for Death of a C Character, Y&R

We know that around this time of year is when head writer and executive producer Josh Griffith will pull something out of his ass to keep his job. Last year, it was the retcon of Victoria and Cole’s baby being alive and being raised by Eve Howard’s long lost sister Jordan. This year, Josh has involved Sharon in his attempt to stay employed by having her “kill” Heather. Thankfully the story is now that Jordan and Ian Ward were responsible for it.

It really is a double edged sword for an actress to be so talented they can sell a bullshit story. It does mean The Powers That Be know they can deliver, but it also means their character could be disposing of a dead body in a manic state because they know she’ll give a Daytime Emmy worthy performance. I am grateful Sharon Case has been frontburner and given an actual story. I just wish the story made more sense, but something is better than nothing.

Best Retcon: Luna Is Looney, B&B

Being able to clean up your own messes is a valuable skill for a head writer. Not everyone has it. Ron Carlivati is a master at cleaning up the messes of another head writer, but struggles cleaning up his own mess. When it comes to Brad Bell, he’s good at cleaning up his own messes if fans complain enough and he cares to clean it up. Fans certainly complained about Luna accidentally drugging herself and Zende having sex with her. Brad decided to fix this by making Luna a lunatic who kills people and drugged herself for shits and giggles.

It is kind of sad that this was the best thing on B&B this year, but Brad made lemons into lemonade. Lisa Yamada is terrific at playing a villain. It also saved Zende from being a creep which is one of the big reasons fans went along with this retcon. Hopefully he can get a story soon that is actually good, but that might be asking for too much.

Dumbest Fan Complaint: GH Hiring Veteran Soap Actors As Recasts

It is very normal for a soap to look at actors with soap experience when recasting a character. This fact made it baffling that fans complained when GH hired Van Hansis as the new Lucas and Alexa Havins as the new Lulu. Do you complain when your boss hires someone with relevant work experience to replace someone? Soaps are a tough work environment so it makes sense to hire people who know how fast they film. The fact that some of the audience will be familiar with them is a bonus.

You can’t even call Alexa and Van Frank Valentini’s pets. Van has never worked with Frank. Alexa only worked with him during the All My Children/One Life To Live baby switch crossover. Neither one of them were hired because they encountered Frank in a parking lot or grocery store. They didn’t call Frank up because they needed rent money. They were hired for being talented and suited for the roles. Not everything needs to be complained about.

Best Recast: Cherie Jimenez as Gabi, Days

Days has been rough this year, but Cherie as Gabi has been a highlight. I can reluctantly put on an episode and when I see Cherie is going to be in it, I know there will be at least one thing I’ll enjoy. I just think she’s the bee’s knees and I’m so happy they hired her. I’m also really looking forward to Gabi and JJ reuniting. It is time for Gabi to bang outside of the DiMera family.

Honorable Mention for Best Recast: Van Hansis as Lucas, GH

I have to note how well Van is doing as Lucas. Most of the time straight men are the ones playing gay guys on soaps. You can really tell the difference when you have an actual homosexual playing a gay man. Ryan Carnes is a good actor, but he does not have the vibe of someone who puts music videos on at parties or rants about actresses who haven’t won Oscars. You can feel the vibe of someone who can name at least ten RuPaul songs when Van is on screen and I appreciate that.

Biggest Waste of Talent: Tabyana Ali, GH

Tabyana Ali only has a few months left on her three-year contract. Yet for most of the year, she’s averaged about five episodes a month and Trina has just been going through the motions. It is really unfortunate considering Spencer is currently dead and they could have given her a bit more so she’d have enough material to maybe get a Daytime Emmy nomination.

They have introduced a new love interest for Trina in Kai, but is it enough to get Tabyana to stay? I don’t know. There’s no guarantee she’ll book as many gigs as Nicholas Chavez if she leaves, but it might be worth the risk. She’s young and talented so I wouldn’t be upset at all if she chose to leave. All young soap actors should at least consider it carefully.

Weirdest Writing Choice On Y&R: Claire Is a Heroine

Why is a woman who poisoned half her family a year ago being written like she’s the heroine in a Debbie Macomber novel? I understand that Josh Griffith wanted Claire to be redeemable, but he has taken her too far in the nice direction. When she was revealed to be Victoria and Cole’s daughter, I was expecting a Kendall Hart archetype. I didn’t expect her to be a damn nanny.

If it was written that Claire was acting like this because she desperately wanted to be accepted by the Newman family, that could be interesting. They could play with her trying to hide her dark side and have it come out around people like Summer. That would make Claire more layered and there would be more story potential. Hayley Erin is a good actress and deserves more chances to show it.

Best Use of History: Bobbie’s Death, GH

I think even fans who have hated GH this year would agree the episodes surrounding Bobbie’s death were superb. The whole cast knocked it out of the park including Laura Wright and Kirsten Storms. It honored both Bobbie and Jackie Zeman. It was a great choice to rename Kelly’s to Bobbie’s. The ghostly visit from BJ was the cherry on top. I wouldn’t be surprised if the funeral episode gets submitted for Outstanding Drama Series for the Daytime Emmys next year.

Worst Villain: Clyde, Days

Why the fuck does Days think Clyde is such an amazing villain? James Read is a good actor. I’m not disputing that. Clyde just isn’t menacing as a villain. They expect us to believe a hillbilly who eats rocky mountain oysters is a threat to the DiMera family! It doesn’t help that this delusion that Clyde is a great villain has been going on for a decade.

Days desperately needs younger villains. We need villains who wouldn’t be taken out by falling in the shower. Kill Clyde off and create a 30 year old villain who is menacing and not just gross. Clyde should have died during the 2016 prison break story at the absolute latest, but the show thinks he’s this generation’s Stefano.

Dispatches From Soap Land

*I am totally fine with Lulu on GH being able to walk. Would someone coming out of a four year coma be able to walk right away? Absolutely not. We had to deal with Lucky in captivity for a month. I’m glad this story is moving.

*I almost felt bad for Billy on Y&R getting screwed over by his own mother, but I remembered watching him ramble on that podcast and any sympathy vanished.

*I feel confident in predicting Susan Seaforth Hayes will get another Daytime Emmy nomination for Doug’s death. I am glad Days let Susan take the lead as they honor her late husband Bill Hayes and the character of Doug.


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