Nu-Tone is an independent record label based in Freehold, New Jersey that specializes in cinematic funk, Latin, soul and more. Nu-Tone is the sister label of the renowned surf and exotica record label, Hi-Tide Recordings. Every month The Pop Break will be interviewing an artist from Nu-Tone artist roster.
The McCharmlys are a self-described five-piece Chicano doo-wop band whose sound hits your ears like a warm, beautiful breeze coming from the California coast. The band’s sound is a sweet sonic blend of ’60s beat and rock ‘n’ roll, surf music and pop. Yes, there is a beautifully nostalgic and retro vibe to the music of The McCharmlys, but they feel so wildly relevant and cutting edge as many bands that are coming out and finding their home in the “souldies” subgenre.
Recently, we caught up with vocalist and primary songwriter Angie Monroy to discuss their new single “You’ll Be Fine” – which was released this week on Nu-Tone. We also spoke about the origin of the band’s name, their first tour of 2025, and much more.

Year We Formed: Our band formed back in 2019, however we really solidified our lineup around 2022.
The Story Behind Our Name: At first at first we wanted to be called “The Shapiros” but we eventually landed on “The McCharmlys.” [The name] originates from an obscure Beatles interview. As per usual John [Lennon] was being goofy and introduced the band. He gave everyone a different last name — George Parasol, Ringo Stone and Paul “McCharmly.”
You’ve Seen Us in Other Bands Such As: Our guitar player David is another band called The Valley Rats, and I [Angie] am in a jazz/indie/Bossa Nova band called Oralia! Our bassist Yari is currently working on some songs with local rising musicians. Eddie used to be in a very cool band called Whiskey Dynamos, and you might have heard him in a couple cumbia bands!
Our Sound is Often Compared To: Somebody mentioned we sound like “if Ritchie Valens was punk and joined the Beatles” — which is such an honor.
You have this wonderful sound that evokes so many great throwback sounds from doo-wop (music I personally was raised on), surf, beat and ’60s rock. Can you talk about why you all chose this to be the sound of The McCharmleys.
I don’t really know anymore, I think we’re just big fans of all those genres. Honestly, it wasn’t something we really aimed to be, it just sorta happened thanks to our influences.
The doo-wop/soul sound has become more and more prevalent in mainstream and indie music today. Why do you think artists and audiences are gravitating back to this sound?
It’s possible that we’ve all just been reminded how beautiful that music is. It’s just so timeless and most of the topics are still extremely relevant today.
You just dropped the new single “You’ll Be Fine.” Can you talk about the creation of this song in regard to the lyrical content?
“You’ll Be Fine” is a tune we wrote right after our first major tour. We were out on the road for about a month and stressing about finances. We just didn’t know what to expect when we returned. “You’ll Be Fine” is a personal phrase I like to tell myself as a reminder that difficult times are momentary.
Can you talk about where this song fits into your musical journey? Would you say this is a turning point to a new direction (and if so, why) or holding steady on the course you’re already on (and if so, why)?
I think our main goal is to simply get better at our craft, and push ourselves to be open to new opportunities. This might be a turning point simply because we’re learning something new every step of the way.
You’re embarking for a tour on February 16 — can you talk about your excitement level for the show?
We are hyped! We are over the moon about going on our first tour of the year and kicking it off in our hometown, Santa Ana. Headlining The Observatory has been on our bucket list and we really hope to pack the house!
For those who’ve never seen The McCharmlys live before — can you explain the live experience which you’ve dubbed “McCharmley Mania?”
We are so grateful to have such amazing fans that sing along and dance with us! One minute we’ll be slow dancing to a souldies-inspired song, the next, we got the crowd moshing to something a little heavier. It’s a fun mix! Something for everyone.
What is it that you love about being in The McCharmlys?
I absolutely love the fact that we can play with bands in different genres and still fit in. We never wanna box ourselves in with a certain crowd because music is for everyone!
What are the Top 5 things you are excited about for The McCharmleys in 2025.
2025 is gonna be a great year 🌹
- We’re so excited to play in Spain for the first time! (Rockin’ Race Jamboree)
- Go on more tours
- Get back into the studio
- Release some more music
- And play on bigger stages