HomeBooksComic Review: Transformers #16 (Image/Skybound)

Comic Review: Transformers #16 (Image/Skybound)

Transformers #16 finds the events of last issue seamlessly flow into this month’s robot Kaiju brawl between Starscream’s Brigade and Soundwave’s Constructicon unit. As two behemoths slug it out, we see the painful expressions on the faces of Autobots, helpless to have any effect on the outcome. All the while the maniacal Starscream, still fused to a Cobra HISS tank, engages in battle with Soundwave and his Decepticon militia.

Some extremely intriguing dialogue takes place between Starscream and his brother Thundercracker who seems to be disenfranchised with the excessive tactics resulting in pointless deaths of humans. All sides of the battle are experiencing their own mental anguish, guilt, remorse over what their war is doing to a planet not their own.

Even Soundwave laments the destruction however his logic deems it necessary for survival. The only one who seems to have zero compassion or concern, is the deranged Starscream. In Transformers #16 it becomes more apparent than ever that whatever transpired between his defeat and loss of leadership to being tebooted has made him completely unhinged and without regard for all life, human and Cybertronian. 

The timely intervention of a rebooted Autobot, Trailbreaker saves the lives of humans, however this is a result of Optimus Prime succumbing to some dark forces which seem to take hold and possess him once again. I can’t help but wonder,  it seems the actions of this dark side of Optimus seem to be an extreme opposite of what his true, noble intentions are. It’s almost as though an evil force is trying to take control of the heroic Autobot leader.

This leads to the major reveal in the final pages of the comic, as the battle rages on, one of the Decepticon spy cassettes, Laserbeak, succeeds in his mission in locating his target. However this target is not helpless and we see in graphic fashion using the spy cassette to regain vision, and direction. Ladies, gentlemen, and Cybertronians, Megatron still functions.

Once more, with feeling, I have to extend might praise to the crew, featuring Daniel Warren Johnson (writer/art), Mike Spicer (artist), Jorge Corona (artist), Sara Stern (colorist), and Rus Wooton (letterer). I have no doubts I come off as a broken record, but these folks are bringing the heat to Transformers!

Transformers #16 is available to at your local comic book shop.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

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