HomeBooksImage Comics' Radiant Black Review and Looking Ahead

Image Comics’ Radiant Black Review and Looking Ahead

I’ve been wanting to compose something for a while now about the legacy of Radiant Black. Issue 30 came out a couple months ago, concluding the Catalyst War.

This event could be considered a “crisis” or epic level event for Image and the Massive-verse. While there were no cliched deaths or rebirths, the most pivotal moments came at the very end, not in battle, but by conversation. I believe it’s been about a year since the polling contest challenging fans which main character, Nathan or Marshall should take the mantle of Radiant Black solo. 

A free mini issue highlighting pivotal moments of the first 30 issues came out last month called “The Story So Far.” 

From the beginning to where Nathan initially discovers the Radiant, all the way through the end of issue #30 and #30.5 where Marshall agrees to take the Radiant and carry on the mantle.

In my past columns discussing the series, I’ve always felt the concept of a split universe would be challenging to pull off, however writer Kyle Higgins managed to do it seamlessly with the idea of each issue having a “.5”  indicating a potential reality. As each timeline branched further and further apart from issues 25 through 30 we see how decisions were made with Nathan possessing the radiant versus Marshall possessing the radiant.

The only words I could come up with would be grandiose and cliche. absolutely stunning. remarkably brilliant. a ballet of colorful chaos. each issue and its companion began to feel like to completely separate stories which amazingly always tied together at the conclusion of each one. The final issue and its companion so the radiant team band together, not necessarily in Sentai Ranger Style, but with each being given a specific Mission or go to complete, including some of their rival counterparts in order to thwart the Alien Invasion once and for all. it’s with this cunning coordination that Victory is achieved, however not without a steep price being paid. the death of Nathan’s father becomes final which seems to lead to the decision to giving up the mantle.

 Imagine leaving a superhero lifestyle to go back to try to fulfill one’s true personal and professional goals. I don’t know if I would be brave enough to venture to do that.

One of the things I’ve Loved most about this series, is the semblance of realism, not by superhero Antics and battles. but through the human eyes of people who think and feel, experience joy and pain. The reason why I began the series from issue one, I was hooked on Nathan’s plight. it spoke to me, it resonated with factual events of my own life. some of which hit a little close to home. The series felt human. I have said it multiple times, and I know other websites, podcasts, and other comic reviewers have said the same thing, but I truly believe it. Radiant Black is the modern era of Invincible.

Issue number 31 comes out this week with Marshall established as the solo Radiant Black. Now, I have not seen the cover in person yet, but I’m intrigued as the previews and solicits feature the tagline of “Forever” or “Rebuild.” Even a search online remains inconclusive. I believe “Rebuild” seems more likely as this would seem to be a reconstruction of what it means to possess the Radiant. Thankfully Tuesday night when I go to my local comic shop to assist with setting up for New Comic Book Day I will visually get confirmation as to which tagline is used. but one has to wonder if “Forever” means Nathan will never return or is the meaning more than meets the eye?

I can’t wait to see what happens next.  it’s been an emotional twister of a ride thus far and I Can Only Imagine what the astounding creative team has up their sleeve.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

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