HomeBooksReview: Transformers: Lost Light #5

Review: Transformers: Lost Light #5

The battle rages on and we see how a society can easily be manipulated and subjugated when a people become so complacent, revolt feels impossible, and the thought alone can cause a feeling of helplessness and defeat.

Transformers: Lost Light #5

This is the society of a parallel universe where purpose is based in your class, with no hope of becoming more than a mere tool in the grand cog of a machine.

This, is exactly what Megatron was fighting against, although millions of years ago was willing to become more violent and dramatic in his methods. Today, he rallies troops to be more than their design, to stand up as individual voices, unified in the cry of not succumbing to the status quo and fighting against something so wrong, so unethical, even though it is the current norm of government rule.

Does the story of Lost Light mirror certain political sentiments? I could be hard pressed to say no, but the story of Transformers has been expanded on since the DreamWave era, and overcoming subjugation has long since been a staple of history since the original tales involving the Quintessons.

Focus on the newer characters is subdued, and finally we see some movement on developing the reason why they are present. Dealing with multiple versions of already familiar characters is interesting as we see how they different from their current Lost Light counterparts.

The story moves forward at an even pace, and the artwork remains consistent, which most of you know is a big deal for me.

Still remains my favorite of the current IDW Transformers titles.

Transformers: Lost Light #5 is currently in comic book stores.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis has been a writer for The Pop Break since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. When he is not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives at the television while playing video games or watching wrestling, Michael actually has a full-time job,as a Mental Health Professional, working at a medical practice in New Jersey, and runs his own telehealth private practice. A family man through-and-through, requiring his three children to memorize all the Autobots and Decepticons on the collection shelves while also educating them in all things Marvel and Star Wars. You know, the stuff Disney owns.

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