HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 23, Episode 5: A Kiss and A Walk-Out

The Bachelor Season 23, Episode 5: A Kiss and A Walk-Out

They’re in Thailand. Solid few minutes of a shirtless Colton showering.

Date 1 – Solo Date
Participants – Heather
Prompt – “Let’s experience something new”

They go on an authentic Thai boat and dedicate that they’re going to have an adventurous day. The scenery they show is beautiful. Heather does a lot of talking about how she hopes he will be her first kiss.

Back at the house

Elyse is having a bit of a panic attack because she wants more time with Colton. She seems to be getting into her own head and admitted to wanting validation from him. She’s worried that he doesn’t feel the same way about her anymore.

Back during the solo date, they show Colton and Heather walking through a Thailand street, looking at monkeys and eating food. They keep obsessing over the fact that Heather has never been kissed. She said she wants it to be natural. “What I like about relationships is being able to try new things” …feels pretty forced, Colton.

During the dinner portion of the date, Heather tells Colton about one of her past relationships where she was with a guy for eight months because he seemed perfect for her, but she knew he wasn’t the one. They then address that Heather hasn’t been kissed before and she talks about how she’s not waiting for it to be a miraculous thing, or waiting to be married, she just wants it to feel natural. He gives her the date rose and they take a walk on the beach. There’s a lot of tension, and a lot of suspense, and then fireworks happen, and THEY KISS! She hoped there would be butterflies and excitement and fireworks and there were literally fireworks.

After the date, Heather goes back to the house and talks about her date with the other girls and Elyse walks out. They show Elyse walking outside, and she goes to where Colton is staying. She walks him over to the couch and tells him how she wants the time and attention that a relationship deserves. He tells her that he’s excited about what they have and the connections there. She said she came into this not wanting anything else but the opportunity to be stupidly happy. Something surprising she said was that she almost wishes that he said there was something wrong with them and their connection because it would make it easier for her to understand. He said he doesn’t give up on relationships because that’s not him.

Elyse says she can’t accept a proposal after months of sharing his time with other people. It was at that time that I wondered if she had ever watched the Bachelor before. Though, as a fellow jealous human being, I’m sure it’s different when you’re living in a scenario where you’re sharing your boyfriend with 12 other people. He asks if she’s leaving and she said she has to. Elyse said “this isn’t working for me” relating to listening to all the other girls talk about how they’re falling in love with him. They’re both crying. He walks her to the door, they hug, and she says “I don’t want this… I really want you to be happy” and she walks away. While crying, she says she regrets doing this, and she’s pissed off at herself… and just like that, Elyse is gone.

The next day

Colton says that waking up feels like a mixed bag of emotions. He had such a good day yesterday but no matter what, he still thinks about how there’s a chance for him to get hurt out of all of this.

Date 2 – Group Date
Participants – Demi, Caelynn, Hannah B, Sydney, Tayshia, Kirpa, Onyeka, Nicole, Hannah G, Katie
Prompt – “Will our love survive?”

Their group date takes place in the jungles of Thailand. Quite frankly, all of the girls look like they’re out of their element. They all meet up with a man who was supposedly raised in the jungle. He shows the women different plants they can eat, and different bugs they can eat. The camera cuts to show Hannah B eating a whole bug, Nicole grabbed an eel, and Tayshia let a scorpion crawl on her. But the icing on the cake is when a snake peed on Colton.

The man who walked them through the jungle proposed the challenge, which was that the girls had to find food and water within an hour and bring them to him. The girls are broken up into groups of 4, and Tayshia, Nicole, and Katie end up on the same group as Colton. Tayshia uses this opportunity to pull him away and make out with him in the middle of the jungle. All of the groups gather bugs, water, and other materials that they would need, meanwhile the group of Hannah B, Hannah G, Caelynn, and Demi had a different idea. They got a ride to a bar and gathered some alcohol and burgers back for the contest. They didn’t win, but Colton seemed to appreciate the burger after a day of eating bugs and roots.

During the cocktail part of the date, Tayshia gets some alone time with Colton and he mentions how happy he is to know she’s there for him, and they make out on the beach. Hannah B gets the chance to talk with Colton and she seems so much more comfortable with him during this date than she has with him in the past, especially if you compare this conversation to their first one-on-one. She mentions that she’s falling in love with him, and it’s the first of the season.

Supposedly, Elyse told Onyeka something about Nicole before she left. Onyeka tells Colton that Nicole is only here to “leave Miami”. She mentions that Elyse was very honest, and she wouldn’t make something like that up. Colton goes and grabs Nicole away. Colton tells Nicole that he heard from Onyeka that she’s just using this opportunity to leave Miami. She tells him that she’s not

Onyeka was telling the rest of the girls about the conversation and Tayshia said that conversation was not conveyed accurately. She said that Nicole just stated, “You have to take opportunities when life throws them at you”. Tayshia also says that this could have all been avoided if Onyeka spoke directly with Nicole.

Colton gives the group date rose to Hannah B, which was a bit predictable after she confessed her feelings to him.

Date 3 – Solo Date
Participants – Cassie
Prompt – “I’m looking for love deeper than the sea”

They’re on a boat and Colton mentions that they have a natural chemistry. They start off by rolling around the boat making out together. The boat pulls up to a private island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They stand in the middle of the small island and make out some more. This whole date has just been them sucking face. And now they’re in the water… still making out with each other. Honestly, this date has been excruciatingly boring. I feel bad for the footage editors who probably had to sift through hours of them kissing and groping each other.

During the dinner potion of the date, they’re in a small nook and he mentions that he’s been very attracted to her since the very beginning. They make out some more and she finally decides to talk to him. She breaches the subject of how he’s a virgin and how she feels like she’s going to have to have some tough conversations going back home because some of her family doesn’t know she’s not a virgin. He tells her he would never ask her to be someone she’s not, and she said she wants him to feel the same way too. This conversation felt like their producers had to pull their faces away from each other and force them to talk about ANYTHING so that the whole date wasn’t just them on top of each other.

They end up laying in Colton’s bed and Cassie says, “I literally feel like I’ve known you for so long” and they make out in the bed together. He tells her that he’s crazy about her. They don’t show it happen, but in the confessional, Cassie is holding the date rose.

Cocktail Party

There’s a lot of tension between Onyeka and Nicole. Tayshia got one of those paper lanterns, they light it up and release it together. He said that Tayshia made him feel special tonight. They show Colton bonding with Demi, Kirpa, Hannah G, and he finally sits down with Nicole. She tells him that whatever Onyeka told her was not true. It seems like Nicole resolved the previous issue and could have moved on to strengthen their own connection, but instead uses this time to tell him that Onyeka has been bullying her. Colton pulls Onyeka to the side and mentions the accusations that Nicole made against her. Onyeka then starts throwing shade on Nicole about how she’s not right for him.

After talking with Colton, Onyeka addresses Nicole directly. Onyeka calls Nicole a liar, and Nicole calls out Onyeka as well. Their bickering is loud enough that the girls sitting within the vicinity are able to notice that it’s happening. Colton is having some alone time with Katie and can hear the two women bickering from where he was. He approaches them and tells them that he could hear them arguing from where he was. They continued arguing while he was sitting with them and Colton gets up and just walks away from them. First, Onyeka followed him and Colton told her that he just needed time. After that, Nicole tried to pull him away and he said the same thing to her.

The episode ends with Colton walking by himself. No rose ceremony this episode, which means the episode next week will start off with one.

The list of women who receive roses:
🌹 Heather (Solo Date 1)
🌹 Hannah B (Group Date)
🌹 Cassie (Solo Date 2)

Episode “Virgin” Count: 3


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