HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 24 Episode 6: There Was No Need for Two...

The Bachelor Season 24 Episode 6: There Was No Need for Two Episodes in One Week

bachelor season 24 premiere
Photo Credit: ABC/Craig Sjodin

The Bachelor Season 24 Episode 6 started in Chile. All of the girls were sitting around the table and Mykenna tried to explain to the girls why she snuck off to speak with Peter before the last rose ceremony. Victoria F. chewed her out for it and compared her to a “sad wet dog” which was savage. 

Solo Date

Participant – Hannah Ann

They roamed around Santiago and danced with some street performers and ate street food. There’s a scene where they smeared hotdog condiments on each other’s faces and then made out while the condiments are all over each other. It definitely made me gag and turn away from the television. 

During the dinner portion of the date, Peter wanted to address a concern that Hannah Ann had never been in love before. He asked her about her future, and about previous relationships. I understand his concerns. What would make this experience different than any of her previous experiences? He excused himself from the dinner table and silently stood next to a fountain. She walked out to him and started crying. He said something weird about how that was what he wanted to see from her. Then she definitely lied to him and told him she was falling in love with him. He gave her the date rose and I’m happy this weird date is over.

Group Date

Participants – Sydney, Natasha, Kelsey, Victoria P., Madison, Tammy, Kelley, Mykenna

Prompt – “Lights, Camera, Action!”

They are on the set of a telenovela. The girls will be acting in the set of a drama. All of the girls are in different outfits. Overall, the best part of the date was watching Kelley dressed as the Abuela, and in the end Chris Harrison came into the shot and dramatically called out to Peter, which was hysterical. Chris Harrison is a treasure. 

During the cocktail portion of the date, Peter spoke with Victoria P. and she asked if she could sit on him, which was just kind of a weird question. She wanted to clear the waters after the whole Alayah scenario. He told her that he knew that her heart was in the right place and his biggest concern was that she’s more committed to this relationship than he was. Peter told her that he doesn’t know if he saw her as his wife. It was a hell of a bombshell to drop in the middle of a group date.  She got really upset with him and then left the group date. To her credit, she didn’t sob in front of him, she told him she would find someone better, and she told him that he made a mistake.

Peter addressed the other girls and told them what happened, then continued the group date. He then proceeded to have time with Madison, who he genuinely seems interested in. 

Tammy starting drama again when she attacked Mykenna. I don’t know which producer told her to start attacking people and making accusations, because it makes for great television. But don’t worry is going to be an all-star on BIP. 

Mykenna ran into Peter first and immediately called out Tammy. Peter told her to not worry about it because he knew her intentions. I know the conversation went well, but I feel like their relationship is very weak. Peter gave the group date rose to Madison.

Photo Credit: ABC/Francisco Roman

Solo Date

Participant – Victoria F. 

Prompt – “I didn’t feel like we got a fair shot”

I have to say it’s a little sucky for the other girls that Victoria F. got a second one-on-one and some of the girls haven’t gotten their first one-on-one’s. But there is something quite endearing about her. There’s a weird scene where Peter and Victoria crawl under a horse to see if the horse trusts them? They went horseback riding and then dance in the middle of an arena. 

Victoria F. admitted that she had a hard time watching him with the other girls and then started crying while talking about it. I don’t think I’ve seen her have alone time with him where she hasn’t cried. Meanwhile, she talks trash when she’s alone with the other girls. 

During the dinner portion of the date Peter asked her to open up to him. She said she didn’t know specifically why she put her walls up, but it could be a combination of things. He asked her to try and drop the walls and her response was that she’s not good at that. Then she got really defensive and said that maybe he would be happier with one of the other girls. She walked away from him and spoke with a producer about how she’s not sure if she’s here for marriage and doesn’t know if she’s doing the right thing. Peter spoke with his producer and expressed the concern of not knowing what else to do about her.

Victoria went back to the table and apologized to Peter. She told him that she didn’t feel bad because he didn’t deserve how she treated him. Peter gave her the date rose.

Two on One

Participants – Tammy and Mykenna

Prompt – “Enough is enough”

Peter pulled Tammy away to talk first. He asked her what her side of this was. She expressed that Mykenna was being fake and was promoting her own brand. She also expressed that Mykenna was planning on leaving after the group date. Tammy expressed that she was there for the right reasons. My favorite thing she said was “I’m wearing black today because it’s her funeral.”

Peter asked Mykenna why what the problem was, and she expressed that Tammy just liked to stir the pot. Peter confirmed that Mykenna wasn’t just there for the hashtags. What I can admire is that Mykenna admitted that she had packed her bags the other night because she was having a hard week.

The girls spat some harsh words back and forth against each other, and then Peter sat down with them both. He mentioned that he couldn’t continue with them both and then walked Tammy out. 

The weird thing about this two on one is that Mykenna didn’t end up getting a rose, so I don’t quite understand the purpose of the two on one.

Cocktail Party

All of the girls seemed to have more sincere conversations with Peter, and I think it’s because they’re all on edge from two girls going home prior to the Rose Ceremony.

The Bachelor Season 24 Episode 6 Rose Ceremony

Received a rose

🌹 Hannah Ann – Solo Date 1

🌹 Madison – Group Date

🌹 Victoria F. – Solo Date 2

🌹 Kelsey

🌹 Natasha

🌹 Kelley

Ok, so why the fuck was there even a two on one date if he ended up sending both of the women home anyway? Why didn’t he just send them both home during the two on one? My guess is that he wasn’t ready to send any of the other girls home and he just used Mykenna as fodder. If that’s true, that’s a really fucked up thing to do. Either way, he kind of messed with her by giving her hope of having her stay after the two on one date.

It almost felt like the season needed to have a two on one date somewhere in there, so they took a half-baked rivalry and forced them into a two on one date that didn’t even make sense. I’m hoping that was a producer’s decision, and not Peter’s decision, because whoever made that decision is an incredibly poor judge of character. 

Went Home

🥀 Victoria P.

🥀 Tammy

🥀 Sydney

🥀 Mykenna

The Bachelor Season 24 Episode 6 is now streaming on Hulu.


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