HomeTelevisionAEW Dynamite 12/9 Review: Another Fantastic Week of Wrestling & Storytelling

AEW Dynamite 12/9 Review: Another Fantastic Week of Wrestling & Storytelling

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Well, things certainly have gotten a bit topsy-turvy in AEW now, hasn’t it? 

Prior to the AEW Dynamite 12/9 episode, the new AEW World Champion Kenny Omega appeared on Impact Wrestling on AXS TV, with his new cornerman, Don Callis and had some choice words for the viewer. In short, if you did not see the segment, Kenny talked his passion for collecting. He collects figures, toys, comics, and video games. However, he has chosen a new path of collecting. Championship Collecting. 

Oh yes. As discussed on our podcast following the Winter is Coming Special, it seems we may be moving in a direction of cross-promotions harkening back to the days of regional territory wrestling. Champions would venture across borders to gain exposure and other promotions able to tout visiting champions to their shows. 

This, sounds exciting. 

AEW Dynamite 12/9 opens with recaps from last week and the right-as-the-show went off the air footage of Eddie Kingston calling out The Murderhawk Lance Archer and the ensuing brawl. One thing AEW does right, their rivalry brawls have some passion and fire to each one. 

The Young Bucks defeated The Hybrid2

Good grief this one was a fast-paced barnburner. On the one hand, the action was incredibly entertaining to watch, definitely in awe of the undeniable abilities of both teams. However, this might be have been a slight minus on the match as many could have viewed this as a complete spot-fest and no-sell of a lot. My opinion, these are scripted anyway, and the number of “wow” moments outweighed any negatives, but this is just this writer’s opinion. TH2 always go at it high octane and my disappointment was them not winning the match as this was non-title with the stipulation of receiving a title bout had they won. 

Some altercation with The Acclaimed was also present, setting up some future matches with another hot rising team. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Sting! It’s Sting! Sting is Here!

Famous words from Tony Schiavone, calling back to his ol’ WCW commentary days. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed this more laid back, “fun” Sting. You could tell he was chill, enjoying his time in the ring. Arn Anderson seemed to show some respect by allowing Sting to talk and leave the ring. Cody talked about how this moment is a thrill for him. Sharing a ring with Sting is a dream come true. Sting appreciated the sentiment, but dodged any question of a match. However, Sting pointed out he wasn’t there to confront Cody, but pointing to the upper deck to the TNT Champion, Darby Allin. Ooh boy. 

One the one hand, I am happy to see Sting, appearing healthy and in good spirits. However, I do not know how I feel about the potential of him wrestling again. More of a concern, really. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

FTR w/Tully Blanchard defeated The Varsity Blondes (Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison)

Another fantastic tag team match. I may have mentioned it before, but the pairing of Garrison and Pillman Jr. was a perfect move. They both have the look and style of the classic teams of the ’80s and ’90s which seem to be emulated in a more modern style in AEW. Even with the win, if FTR had the additional task of giving a push to the AEW Dark favorites, they had an easy job. Pillman and Garrison work very well together, and man, I forgot sometimes how TALL Garrison is when he hits big man moves. Very well done match. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

The UGH Segment of the night

A sit-down with Tony Schiavone, Brandi Rhodes, and…SHAQ. I dreaded this when it was announced. The first acted civil with Shaq condemning the actions of Jade Cargill. However, it seems Shaq was apologetic, but then suggested Brandi take some pointer from Cargill. This flipped her out, taking a water and drenching the former NBA star.

I didn’t like this. Brandi, throughout the segment accused “the men” of interrupting and belittling her. It felt forces and something I would read on Twitter or Reddit. It didn’t feel authentic and cheap sympathy grab.

Look, it is no secret and everyone knows how much investment I emotionally out in to AEW. I haven’t been this excited about watching wrestling since NXT was formed. But these segments just don’t work for me. 

Dustin Rhodes defeated “10” of the Dark Order

Good match with 10 showing a lot of offense but ultimately fell to the veteran. The real story post match, was Evil Uno returning to offer Dustin a spot in the Dark Order, specifically to be their “Seven” of the group. For those who don’t know, this was a nod and probably a knock on the gimmick he bailed on in WCW. Dustin declined the offer, but did not deter Evil Uno from issuing a warning. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

The Inner Circle’s fate:

A shorter segment than anticipated, and this wasa good thing. Santana was absent, which surprisingly left Ortiz to be the rational one. Despite a tremendous about of tension and Jericho calling out MJF for threatening to throw in the towel during his match with Kazarian, the group agreed to let past be past.

However, Sammy Guevara threatened to leave if MJF pulls any more crap. 

Most importantly, Jake Hager and Wardlow addressed the big elephants in the room, why do they constantly stare at each other. Looks like it may continue, and I am fine with it. I want the inevitable Hoss Fight. It also would not shock me if Sammy ditches the group and takes Wardlow with him. 

My criticism — I still do not like the excessive cursing and the middle finger as their unity symbol. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Eddie Kingston, Butcher, and The Blade defeated Lance Archer, Rey Fenix Jr., Penta El Zero M

This broke down into a vicious brawl before the bell would ring. Penta gets plowed through a table thanks to Butcher. This has some wrestling, but was all iron-hot fiery rage. You wanted a mass fight, you got it. Each team had their fair share of control, but the lack of Penta was felt during points where Team Kingston dominated. For a short feud origin, these two stables fight like they’ve been at it for months, and they made it believable. I am continually impressed with Butcher and Blade, and how much they’ve grown in the past few months. In a very strange way, this stable would likely have not been built if not for the pandemic. I guess a few good things came out of 2020. Butcher in particular is certainly developing into a character who will be one to watch in the future. Big, mean, bullish. 

The Archer/Kingston match has No Holds Barred written all over it. C-Z-Dub!

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Abadon defeated Tesha Price – This was a squash, no doubts here. All made for Abandon to look like one scary individual. Very scary. Hikaru Shida saves Price from further harm, and did a great job selling the fear. 

Great moment, Shida cracks Abadon over the head with a kendo stick. Abadon sits up a la Undertaker. 

Don Callis and Kenny Omega Speak: Callis “welcomes” Tony Khan to the wrestling business, where trust only goes so far and businessmen always look for number one. Callis and Omega reveal this plan has been in the works for about a year, despite Tony Schiavone admitting his disgust over how Omega won the AEW Championship. Omega is back to his bad self, and nothing will distract him again.

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Main Event of AEW Dynamite 12/9: MJF defeated Orange Cassidy to retain the Dynamite Diamond Ring

Fantastic main event. MJF backed by the Inner Circle, while Cassidy initially had Best Friends but soon were joined by Brandon Cutler, Varsity Blondes and Top Flight. MJF dominating most of the match while Cassidy would come back with some big impact defense, leading to a streak of his offensive moves. Definitely a few “jumping out of the seat” moments where it looked like Cassidy had it won.

The inevitable brawl saw Miro make a surprise attack which led to the end of the match. On the one hand, it continues the long-standing feud between the Heel Gamers versus the Best Friends, and Cassidy losing via interference continues to protect the fan favorite. However, I really thought we were getting a Cassidy win. He just seems to get booked in losing situations so often in these high profile matches, sans his victories over Chris Jericho. However, he is a character who isn’t hurt by losses. 

In any event, AEW continues to do a fantastic job of consistent storytelling their feuds, setting up for another week of intrigue. 

AEW Dynamite 12/9 Episode is now streaming on the TNT app.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

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