We are back in Orlando! These Orlando tapings are always a must-see regarding ROH TV episodes, as the crowd is way more alive than before or after Dynamite! Now with 12 matches, a first-time-ever championship being defended on ROH programming, and the official countdown to Death Before Dishonor has begun, here is my ROH TV Episode 15 review.
Kyle Fletcher vs Christopher Daniels: Since Davis is hurt, I was curious about what they were going to do with Fletcher in the meantime, and it seems like he will be a regular within ROH. This match got a lot of time and was a very good showing between both Fletcher and Daniels. Unfortunately, if you have been following these reviews you know that Daniels is on quite the losing streak within ROH. You start to wonder if retirement is right around the corner for him.
Winner: Kyle Fletcher
Zack Clayton vs Matt Sydal: This honestly confused me. Clayton being used is great because he is constantly improving in the ring and could be a great addition to the ROH roster. However, what happened after the match made no sense. As I said last week, ROH is building to a Samoa Joe vs Zack Sabre Jr. feud for the TV title, yet Sydal called Joe out for a title match after he has lost time and time again? Sydal is a great competitor, but there have been multiple people competing every week and are on winning streaks that deserve a title shot before Sydal.
Winner: Matt Sydal
Dralistico vs Willie Mack: This was a fun match. Dralistico is starting to come into his own in ROH and delivering every week that he is on TV. Mack is also such a great wrestler, even though the ROH Talent is not signed Mack proves every week why he should be. He knows how to connect with a crowd and also has amazing moments in all of his matches. Dralestico wins by hitting the low blow behind the referee’s back, so this feud is not over and has probably just begun.
Winner: Dralestico
Tony Khan Special Announcement: TK makes Joe vs Sydal official for the TV title on next week’s episode of ROH TV. He also says that he has a lot of responsibilities and wants to deliver what is best for the ROH fans every week. He announces that he is creating a Board of Directors, however, TK has the final word on all decisions the Board of Directors makes. He chooses Stokely Hathaway and Jerry Lynn who are both honored and excited to be put in this position. This was fine, let’s see where it goes before I give my full opinion.
NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Willow Nightingale vs Rachael Ellering: Very exciting to see Ellering back on TV screens since leaving Impact two years ago. Nightingale continues to show why she is one of the bright stars of the ROH/AEW brand. Although she was not supposed to win the title she is making the most of it and defending it at any chance she can. Nightingale wins in a great women’s match!
Winner: “And Still” Willow Nightingale
Six Man Tag Proving Grounds Match: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Toa Liona, & Kaun) vs Marcus Kross Eli Isom & Cheeseburger: Cage officially has the longest winning streak in ROH aside from the ROH Women’s Champion Athena. Whenever the Embassy comes on the screen you know they are going to dominate in any scenario they are involved in. The Proving Ground Matches are still not my favorite thing in the world, but anything to increase Cage’s winning record.
Winners: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Toa Liona, & Kaun)
Mercedes Martinez vs Vertvixen: This was a total squash, which is so disappointing. Vertvixen has been featured a lot in recent weeks and I would have figured she would have gotten some offense. Martinez looked strong throughout the match, and now that she is healthy does she go on the hunt to get her title back?
Winner: Mercedes Martinez
Griff Garrison vs Lee Moriarty: Every time Moriarty appears on ROH TV he proves why he needs to get away from The Firm. He is showing how great of a professional wrestler he is and is constantly producing bangers every single week. Garrison had a great showing as well since this was his first match back after injury. Moriarty cheats to win as he continues to climb the ranks and his winning streak continues.
Winner: Lee Morirarty
Robyn Renegade vs Kiera Hogan: The Renegade Twins need to stop doing Twin Magic. First off they aren’t twins, second of all it was done in another company already and third it is not needed. Hogan has come into her own the last couple of weeks and is delivering some of her best in-ring work in recent memory. After the match, Athena attacks her from behind when she attacks Athena with a kendo stick. Looks like we may be getting a no-DQ match come July 21st!
Winner: Kiera Hogan
The WorkHorseMen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry) & Shane Taylor vs Dark Order (John Silver, Evil Uno, & Alex Reynolds): This seems to be a very heavy six-man tag team match episode. The Dark Order storyline at the moment is the most Dark Order has done in the last couple of years. So seeing them being used in a relevant storyline over the last couple of weeks has been exciting. The new trio’s team of the WorkHorsemen and Shane Taylor should not have lost this early in their formation as they are now losing momentum.
Winners: Dark Order (John Silver, Evil Uno, & Alex Reynolds)
The Righteous Promo: The Righteous and Stu Grayson are not impressed with Dark Order winning their match. They say that this story between them is just beginning and they have some surprises in store for the Dark Order next week.
The TrustBusters(Sonny Kiss Jeeves Kay & Slim J) vs Action Andretti Darius Martin & AR Fox: Andretti and Martin have been on a roll ever since defeating The Kingdom a couple of weeks ago. I would not be surprised if they are the ones to challenge The Lucha Brothers at Death Before Dishonor next month. The TrustBusters had a great showing in this match, unfortunately, nothing can stop the momentum of the new upcoming team.
Winners: Action Andretti Darius Martin & AR Fox
The Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs El Cobarde & El Dragon: Within two minutes of this match, Bennett already was busted open. The Kingdom gained four wins in a row as they are building their momentum back after they lost to Andretti and Martin. Cobarde and Dragon got some offense in, but it was not enough for the former two-time ROH Tag Team Champions.
Winners: The Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven)
Board of Directors Promo: TK says that Hathaway has thought of some great ideas but does not know if he is going to execute all of these ideas. They include massive layoffs, getting rid of Lucha Libre, and putting Action Andretti in a four-on-one handicap match against the entire Embassy. Instead, TK says that next week they will put the six-man titles on the line when they wrestle Action Andretti, Darius Martin, and AR Fox. So far the board of directors seems very WWE-esque to me, not a fan.
Rey Fenix vs Gravity: This was a fun main event. I have never seen Gravity compete before this match and he is so talented (Editor’s Note: He is Bandido’s real-life brother). Fenix and Gravity also have a very similar wrestling style so this match was a very fast-paced high-flying match. This match went back and forth and could have been anyone’s win. In the end, one-half of the ROH World Tag Team Champions get the win in an exciting main event to close out ROH TV Episode 15.
Winner: Rey Fenix
Overall: This episode flew by and a lot of the matches took a lot of time. The next couple of episodes are geared toward building the storylines and the wrestlers for what they will be doing at the pay-per-view next month. To me, my biggest con is why we introduced the board of directors in the first place. I don’t think they are necessary and it just feels awkward, maybe it’s just me? Guess we will find out next week.
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