bill bodkin and logan j. fowler go undercover…
Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Theater. Who would’ve ever thought we’d be living in an age where Ben Affleck took the movie world by storm? Doubling up on great directing and acting for Gone Baby Gone and The Town, Affleck aims for the hat trick with Argo, a story loosely based on events that took place in 1979. When an Iranians kidnap 52 Americans and 6 escape, CIA specialist Tony Mendez (Affleck) comes up with a plan to help the fleeing American kidnapees-by making them part of a fake film crew. I saw this trailer before The Dark Knight Rises and I was engaged from the get go. Argo looks like a great film, despite the fact that it may not all be factually true. However, I will be seeing this one near release without a doubt. –LJF
Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Theater. Ben Affleck, as an actor, was someone I derided for years. Can you blame me? With movies like Gigli and Reindeer Games on his resume, I wrote him off as just another “pretty boy” that Hollywood was trying to champion. He was all style and no substance. Then came Gone Baby Gone, Hollywood directorial debut. I was really impressed with how well Affleck not only told a story visual but was able to take source material (Dennis Lehane’s novel of the same name) and make it special. Ever since that film I’ve become a fan of his work and after viewing the trailer for Argo, I’m almost bursting at the seems to view this film. The story is unique, the cast, complete with two of my favorite character actors Bryan Cranston and John Goodman, look excellent and even Affleck himself, looks fantastic in what could be one of his best acting roles. In my humble opinion Argo is not only going to be a great cinematic experience, but a big time contender during awards season. –BB
ARGO!!! I hope it’s very Affleckian. 😀