HomeMoviesTrailer Tuesday: Paul

Trailer Tuesday: Paul

just days before its release, logan j. fowler and bill bodkin give their final thoughts on the upcoming Simon Pegg/Nick Frost film …

Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided: Theater.
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost? I’m so there, man. While director Edgar Wright isn’t helming this feature like he did in the past with these two funny Brits, Paul looks like a ton of fun, despite Seth Rogen’s voice over presence. Also, the addition of Kristen Wiig and Jason Bateman also add to the power of me wanting to see this film, and while it won’t be opening weekend fare for yours truly, I haven’t seen a movie in theaters in months. Paul is the film that is going to break that streak, and I may even rotate the viewing around my birthday near the end of the month to make return to theaters more memorable.


Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided: Theater.
Simon Pegg is my comedic idol. He is one of the most brilliant actors and writers I’ve ever seen. His work is so relatable to the every-nerd in us all. Combine Pegg with his best friend and frequent co-star Nick Frost, and you’ve got a slice of fried comic gold. Yet, I worry a little after seeing all the trailers for Paul. It seems as though the studios are really pushing antics of an animated alien, so part of me feels like this movie will focus more on the alien than the pair of brilliant British actors who are starring in it. Then, I remember that both Pegg and Frost wrote the script (the initial idea was spawned during downtime on the set of their breakout film Shaun Of The Dead) and had a major hand in selecting the cast and director, so my fears subside. If all goes to plan Paul will be filled with gut-busters, wink and nods to other films and have a good heart to it. I’ll be there opening night, so stay tuned for my review.

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