HomeMovies31 Days of Horror 2014: Scream 2

31 Days of Horror 2014: Scream 2


Two years after Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) survived a murder attempt by her then boyfriend Billy (Skeet Ulrich) and friend Stu (Matthew Lillard), the murders start up again in her quiet college town as Ghostface stalks co-eds in an attempt to finish what was started in Woodsboro.


Scream 2 comes back with a new star studded cast but still includes its original cast of Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox and Jamie Kennedy reprising their famous survivor roles from the original film.

While people criticize Scream 2, here is why this film is significant. For one, four people from the original film survived to make it into this sequel. Of those four, three continue on to survive all four films. This is unheard of. Sure, three people survived A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3 but all three died in the beginning of the following film and never reprised their roles.

Two, the film was decked out with big television stars. Courteney Cox was a star of Friends, Neve Campbell was the star of Party of Five, Sarah Michelle Gellar was the star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joshua Jackson was the star of Dawson’s Creek, Laurie Metcalf was a star on Roseanne and there were appearances by Jerry O’Connell, Heather Graham, Tori Spelling and Jada Pinkett. Before the Scream series, horror films were never stocked with as many large names as Wes Craven managed to gather in one film.

Three, Ghostface was a different killer than in the original film. Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, Pinhead…all the same person throughout the series. Ghostface continued to change throughout the film series, giving us some mystery to the murders every single time. Sometimes Ghostface was one person, sometimes two, but we never knew until the very end.

Scream 2 is a fun, stab-filled source of horror entertainment with a mildly weak ending that we probably should have all seen coming but, let’s be honest, we didn’t.

Chances are that you will find yourself wanting to watch the original Scream after finishing up this beauty. This I greatly encourage as you can never have enough Scream in your day.

Ann Hale is the horror editor for Pop-Break.com and a senior contributing writer, reviewing horror movies and television shows. She is also the American Correspondent for Lovehorror.co.uk. Ann attended East Carolina University, majoring in English Literature. She is a collector of Halloween (the film) memorabilia and is a self-admitted opinionated horror nerd. You can follow her, her collection and her cat, Edward Kittyhands on Twitter and Instagram @Scarletjupiter

Ann Hale
Ann Hale
Just a giant nerd in love with horror, 80's action flicks, Star Wars and Harry Potter. Hit me up on Twitter or Instagram @scarletjupiter to talk horror or just to browse the horror collection.

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