HomeInterviewsInterview: Rose Boulevard

Interview: Rose Boulevard


Rose Boulevard Is (Band Members & Instruments They Play): Jack Linden – vocals/guitar, Jessica Magdosko – vocals, Jeff Linden – bass, John Colaiacovo III – drums.

We’re Based Out Of: Asbury Park, N.J.

Year We Formed: 2014

Story Behind Our Name: I wanted a name that captured the romantic side of our music and one day Rose Boulevard popped into my head. It just seemed to fit.

You’ve Seen us Before In Other Bands: American Wildfire (Jeff and Johnny).

New Music Coming Out?: Fall 2015

Our Sound Has Been Likened To: Johnny Cash & June Carter, Of Monsters & Men, The Civil Wars

Photo Credit: Rhonette Smith (Stuff Rhonette Says)
Photo Credit: Rhonette Smith (Stuff Rhonette Says)

What Do You Love About Being In This Band?

We have so much fun onstage every single night. This is the music that’s in our hearts and being able to play it in front of people is such a rush. We enjoy the studio but there’s nothing like live music.

You just performed at the Union PAC this past weekend, which is not a small venue at all – can you talk about the experience of playing such large and historic venue.

It was surreal. We got to play with bands we love and respect on the biggest stage we’ve ever been on. The love the audience showed for us was something we won’t soon forget.


It was recently announced that two members of the band will be parting ways with Rose Boulevard – do you feel this will change the direction of the band?

I think that anytime there’s lineup turnover it will change a band’s sound. Jeff and Johnny have had such a positive impact on this band and we love them both dearly. That being said, in a lot of ways I started this band to be able to sing with Jess. It’s turned into something far bigger than that but the sound of our two voices together remains the core of our sound. We’re already playing with other musicians and so far it’s sounding great. We have big plans for the future and we’re not stopping for anything.

There’s a ton of bands playing in the Asbury scene right now – what do you feel separates Rose Boulevard from everyone else?

I think we’re very different from the vast majority of bands on the scene. We’re not a full-blown rock band with electric guitar but we’re also not completely acoustic since we added bass and drums. We also play with unabashed joy every time we go onstage. Playing music is supposed to be fun. If Jeff improvises a new bass fill or Jess adds a new vocal riff I’m not afraid to hoot and holler. It’s a natural reaction and we don’t try to reign in our enthusiasm onstage. No two shows are the same because we allow ourselves to be spontaneous and in the moment.

What’s the craziest fun thing that’s happened during a Rose Boulevard show?

It’s so hard to pick just one. We’ve had members of Cold Weather Company–a band we love and respect–hop onstage with us to play a song. That was amazing. But the shows are getting crazier and more fun every time we go out there.

Rose Boulevard performs tonight at Happy Mondays at Wonder Bar with Pepperwine and The Drive Home.


Bill Bodkin
Bill Bodkinhttps://thepopbreak.com
Bill Bodkin is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Pop Break, and most importantly a husband, and father. Ol' Graybeard writes way too much about wrestling, jam bands, Asbury Park music, Disney+ shows, and can often be seen under his season DJ alias, DJ Father Christmas. He is the co-host of Pop Break's flagship podcast The Socially Distanced Podcast (w/Amanda Rivas) which drops weekly as well as TV Break and Bill vs. The MCU.

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