HomeMoviesTrailer Tuesday: The Night Before

Trailer Tuesday: The Night Before

Written by Logan J. Fowler and Justin Matchick

Trailer Tuesday


Release Date: November 25th, 2015

Starring: Seth Rogen, Anthony Mackie, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lizzy Caplan, Mindy Kaling

Director: Jonathan Levine (Warm Bodies, 50/50)

*Warning: Trailer Contains Strong Language and Adult Themes

Pre-Trailer Thoughts: Green Hornet, Falcon, and (Dark Knight Rises Spoilers) “Robin” tackle Christmas with all devilish debauchery intact. I’ve been a fan of Rogen since Knocked Up, and his teaming with director Levine and Levitt in 50/50 resulted in a very good but also a surprisingly depressing film. It actually gave us one of Levitt’s best performances. As for Mackie, I’m also a fan. So I feel this should be an entertaining romp with these leads at the front of the antics. –LJF

Pre-Trailer Thoughts: I used to really enjoy Seth Rogen’s movies, but lately I’ve just grown tired of his shtick. The Interview was completely underwhelming, Neighbors was only so-so, and Pineapple Express gets less funny each time I see it. The Night Before will at least pair him up with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and director Jonathan Levine, all three of whom previously worked on 50/50, which I did enjoy very much. Hopefully some of what I enjoyed in that film comes through again here. – JTM

Rate the Trailer: 3 out of 5. I mean, its not the greatest thing ever; its Rogen being hopped up on drugs while preparing for fatherhood. Seen it before. Still, what happens here is pretty entertaining, and I’m really curious to see how Mackie meshes with the other two. I don’t know why we focus so much on Rogen at the end, but even then, I was laughing at it. Should be a fun time if anything.-LJF

Rate the Trailer: 2 out of 5. I think the only thing I truly found funny about this trailer was the jab at the botched release of The Interview. Otherwise this really sends home the point that I’m just not a part of whatever demographic Rogen’s movies are aimed at anymore. The trailer gave away way too many of the jokes and let the punchlines play out almost in full, which will no doubt lessen their effect if you actually go see the movie. Those jokes don’t even seem that funny in the first place, which appear to be mostly gags that Rogen and writing partner Evan Goldberg thought might be sort-of funny and then slapped them onto a half-baked script outline stolen from The Hangover. – JTM

Theater, Rent, Undecided, No Thanks: Rent. I feel like this would be a solid rental, much like 50/50 was four years ago. I like all three actors, but let’s face it, Mackie isn’t in his Avenging uniform, and Levitt has already got my money a month earlier with The Walk. Plus, The Interview, Rogen’s last movie, didn’t really seem to win many people over. For that matter alone, I think I’ll save my cash for a night at home viewing.-LJF

Theater, Rent, Undecided, No Thanks? No Thanks. I’ve already got a full slate of movies releasing this fall and winter that I’ll be needing to see, so I won’t even waste my time here. Unless my friends beg me to go see it with them, I’ll be steering clear of The Night Before. – JTM

The Night Before Heads Down the Chimney November 25th, 2015


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