
About The Pop Break

The Pop Break is a digital pop culture and entertainment magazine founded in 2009. Our mantra is this — “we’re the pop break in your day.” Our goal is give you a break in your day — a day we know is loaded with the stresses and pressures of work, school, parenthood, and the world around us. We know things can be tough, so what we’re here do is to give you a break from it all.

Our site is fueled by some of the most passionate, and talented pop culture aficionados in the world (we’re biased in that respect, we know). Every day Pop Break delivers the best reviews, interviews, and views on the world of film, television, music, comic books, pro wrestling, digital trends and everything in between.

We’ve covered events in: New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont, Washington D.C., Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Montana, Nevada, and California as well as China and Canada.

And if you’re wondering, yes we named the site after (the original) Point Break.

FOR ALL INQUIRIES PLEASE E-MAIL: editor@thepopbreak.com

The Editorial Board

Bill Bodkin: Editor-in-Chief, Co-Founder, Owner, Media Contact | @BodkinWrites

Al Mannarino: Managing Editor | @AlMannarino

Marisa Carpico: Film Editor | @MarisaCarpico

Avani Goswami: Television Editor | @Avanig11

Kat Manos: Music Editor | @Kat_Wilde

Alex Marcus: Podcast Network Director | @MediaThinkings

Lucas P. Jones: Podcast Engineer | @ljones1138

Allison Lips: Digital Trends Editor | @AllisonMLips

Murjani Rawls: Wrestling Editor | @MurjaniRawls 

Sheena Fisher: Comic Book Editor | @SheenaB0t

Rachel Freeman: Comic Book Editor | @Raychikinesis

Staff Writers, Contributors, and Photographers

Editor Emeritus: Brent Johnson (Co-Founder)

Senior Editors: Rob Crowther IV, Laura Dengrove, Logan J. Fowler, Ann Hale, Anthony Toto, Alisha Weinberger.

Staff Writers & Contributors: Randy Allain, Alex Biese, Christian Bischoff, Giana Capri, DJ Chapman, Michelle Chapman, Marina Coates, Samuel Cohen, Sean Cordy, Ryan DeMarco, Chris Diggins, Nick Diodato, Yassmin Elmouzaieg, Jeff Fountain, Kimberlee Rossi-Fuchs, Lisa Giampapa, Angelo Gingerelli, Amanda Hoffman, Andrew Howie, Melissa Jouben, Veda Kota, Nikita Kuhmar, Jason Kundrath, Megan LaBruna, Astha Lakhankar, Lovey McPherson, Jennifer Marie, Brian McNamara, Tom Moore, Mike Mueller, Ben Murchison, Samuel Niles, Joel Pesantez, Kenny Pete, Nick Porcaro, Amanda Rivas, Aaron Sarnecky, Josh Sarnecky, Jesse Singer, Nynoshka Vazquez Suazo, Kimmy Sokol, Matt Taylor, Tommy Tracy, Matthew Widdis, Tyler Yasembousky.


Marisa Carpico & Matt Taylor – And The Winner Still Is, Way Too Early Oscar Podcast
Lovey McPherson – Live, Laugh & Lovey
Alex Marcus, Bill Bodkin, Josh Sarnecky – TV Break
Al Mannarino, Amanda Rivas, Bill Bodkin – Socially Distanced
Marshall & Courtney Stevenson – Blerd Watchers
Aaron & Josh Sarnecky – The Anniversary Brothers
DJ & Michelle Chapman – Roses & Rejections
Luke Martin, Noah Franc, Justin Mancini, Chris Mancini, Randy Allain – Discography Cast
Alex Marcus, Bill Bodkin – Bill vs. The MCU
Dan Cohen, Kris Ingersoll – Batman by the Numbers
Amanda Rivas, Josh Sarnecky – Anime x Pop
Various Hosts – Saturday Morning Adventures
Bill Bodkin – Pop Break Pro Wrestling

Staff Photographers: Staci Altomari, Kenny Bieber, Matt DiPaola, Lina Glasir, Julie Hoffman, Matt Heasley, Al Mannarino, Kat Manos, Will Marks, Willy Mellot, Jenna Murray, Cathy Poulton, Murjani Rawls, Patriciana Tenicela, Kim Wessels.


Kevin Acquino, Erin Addington, Matt Agosta, Jess Alaimo, Violeta Alvarez, Don Angelini, Rob Avon, Maria Awad, Kelsey Ayres, AnnaLee Barclay, Mallory Barrett, Maxwell Barna, Erica Batchelor, Brooke Bates, Ronn Blitzer, Molly Boekenheide, Kimberlee Bongard, Lindsey Borgman,Taylor Bowne, Matt Bradley, Dylan Brandsema, Adelle Brodbeck, Nicole Calascibetta, Michelle Chen, Scott Clifford, Anthony Coleman, Jeff Crespi, Alex Criscione, Jeanne Crump, Laura Curry, Katherine de Barros, Matt DeBenedetti, Mike DeLaPaz, Jihan Dempster, Tyler DiBenedetto, Liz Dircks, Jennifer Donohue, Mike Dory, Erin Doyle, Kelly Duncan, Jonathan Elliot, Samantha Evans, Daniel Ferrer, Nicole Feleo, Andrew Fontana, Max Freedman, Matt Haviland, George Heftler, Mark Henely, Rebecca Henely, Brendan Hourican, Colleen Hurford, Molly Hurford, Dan Gagliardi, Eric Gallegos, Amy Geiss, Marley Ghizzone, Matt Gilbert, Pat Gilrane, Kelly Gonsalves, Jenna Grunfeld, Corbyn Jenkins, Luke Kalamar, Matthew Kelly, Joseph Kennedy, Greg Kennelty, Daryn Kirscht, Bill Kolbenschlag, Nicole Kotsianas, Mike Kundrath, Alyson Kumor, Mike Kruce, Sara Jablow, Harry Jackson, Scotty Jacobs, Alexandra Johnson, Brian Johnson, John Lawrence, Saidy Lopez, Nicole Mago, Dana Mansbart, Justin Matchick, Asia Martin, Erin Mathis, Mark Maurer, Hannah McWhorter, Giuliano Messina, Shannon Moore, Stella Morrison, Jesse Murch, Richard J. Nardo, Kevin North, Kelly O’Dowd, Mike O’Hara, David Oliver, Bobby Olivier, Chris Osifchin, Marla Pachter, Ilona Pamplona, Keshav Pandaya, Chris Panico, Marcey Papandrea, Joselito Pardillo, Kayla Peters, Darren Phillip, Tucker Leighty-Phillips, Maitland Pontelandolfo, Karalynn Rapp, Maria Ramos, Erika Reinsel, Marissa Rodriguez, Rachel Rodriguez, Gina Rullo, Jasmine Robinson, Michael Seidenfeld, Maria Shields, Veronica Slaght, Chris Sicoli, Allison Socol, Wayne-Anthony P. Soltis, Lauren Stern, Jason Stives, Brenda Stolyar, Cynthia Tenicela Patsy Thayieng, Christine Thompson, Scott Thurlow, Eric Tremblay, Jes Todd, Christian Uhl, Eryin Wandel, Megan West, Aaron White, Amy Willard, Brendan Williams, Joel Wosk, Joe Zorzi, Tyler Zucker.

A Special Dedication:

Mr. Bodkin (1941-2011): The father, of the site’s co-founder and editor-in-chief, Mr. Bodkin was one of the site’s first advocates. Look through any post from 2009 to spring 2011 and you’ll see his many comments under such pseudonyms as TFPM, YOM, and YIF amongst various others. His comments were almost always making fun of co-founder Brent Johnson, but all in a loving (yet sometimes a little harsh) manner. However, his contributions to the site have not been in comments alone, he was also a major contributor in terms of bringing readers to the site (through e-mail blasts), as well as posting three stories about watching movies in the 50s, his top movies from the 50s and a Marine’s perspective on The Hurt Locker. A retired computer ace, former Marine and diehard New York Giants fan, Mr. Bodkin’s influence and encouragement remain the fuel that drives the site.

In Memoriam: Jonathan Elliott, Michael Vacchiano

Disclaimer: The thoughts expressed in the articles, reviews, columns and podcast published on this site and solely those of the writers and podcasters. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of ThePopBreak.com