Bill Bodkin

Bill Bodkin
Bill Bodkin is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Pop Break, and most importantly a husband, and father. Ol' Graybeard writes way too much about wrestling, jam bands, Asbury Park music, Disney+ shows, and can often be seen under his season DJ alias, DJ Father Christmas. He is the co-host of the Socially Distanced Podcast (w/Al Mannarino) which drops weekly on Apple, Google, Anchor & Spotify. He is the co-host of the monthly podcasts -- TV Break and Bill vs. The MCU.

Review: Slash “Slash”

bill bodkin looks at the new record from the legendary guitarist From the wandering minstrels of the days of yore to the bluesmen selling their...

My First Blu-Ray: Serenity

bill bodkin celebrates 100 posts on the B&B with a review of a sci-fi film on blu-ray. yes, he's really sentimental. For Valentine's Day/my anniversary...

Interview: The Mighty Regis

bill bodkin interviews official Warped Tour-selected celtic punk band The Mighty Regis ... Every Saint Patrick's Day, the bagpipes come out, silver-haired gentleman in thick...

The Lucky 7: Top Irish Movies

bill bodkin celebrates his cultural and cinematic roots I love being Irish. The music, the food, the beer, the customs and traditions and of course...

Indie Double Feature: Black Dynamite and Moon

bill bodkin looks at two indie flicks that are definitely worth a rent... Spoofs and satires were once an art form in Hollywood. Genius writer/directors...

Release the Kraken! Spring Movie Preview

a time-honored tradition of previewing movies is brought back by bill bodkin The month of March is a major turning point in the movie season....

Review: The Wolfman

bill bodkin reviews the latest adaptation of the horror classic ... It's no secret: Remakes are the "it" thing in Hollywood. With uncertain economic times running...

The Best Show Ever: Spaced

a snowed-in bill bodkin looks at one of his all-time favorite television shows ... "There's pleasure in discovery." This quote was from an interview I did...

Review: Zombieland

bill bodkin reviews the hit zombie action/comedy... "Zombie movies are like blueberry pie and ice cream. They never get old." -Brent Johnson, October 2009 blog...

Review: Paranormal Activity

bill bodkin reviews a film that has caused to him to lose a lot of sleep... Horror movies and me don't mix well like greasy...

The Art of the Mix with DJ Prime

This is a look into the world of deejays -- how they prepare radio mixes and how they spin for a live audience. The...

Video Blog: 2010 Movie Preview

We finally have gotten through the "best ofs" and are looking forward to what 2010 has to offer. Below are some of the films...


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