Daniel Cohen

Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen likes movies and bagels, and that’s pretty much it. Aside from writing Box Office predictions, Daniel hosts the monthly Batman by the Numbers Podcast on the Breakcast feed. Speaking of Batman, If Daniel was sprayed by Scarecrow's fear toxin, it would be watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on a non-stop loop.

Batman By The Numbers: Live Action Clark Kent Performances RANKED

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5fG6UuQqiK0BziDgGP4sdz?si=92c933dc0b7e41bd There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman By The Numbers: Every Batman Romantic Partner Ranked

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4eZ9YJOJTwb1ZcktPLFad0?si=bd5d0bc79fc54974   There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman by the Numbers: Definitive Batman Villains Draft

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6VPSnwn8lBbFDxvje4FHOo?si=3bff5376db0f48a1 Batman by the Numbers: Definitive Batman Villains Draft There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No...

Batman By The Numbers: Batman Villains Who Need Their Own Movie, Ranked

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5E9EsHHyIDCLHVdKVF47RB?si=2522a7598b9d4e17 There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman by the Numbers: Joker: Folie à Deux Review

https://open.spotify.com/episode/7hTWSlcRA36Z11VPDZAufW?si=3ba0f48592554a83 There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman by the Numbers: Every Movie Joker, Ranked

https://open.spotify.com/episode/68DHXlUat22dPVqRDnqE2e?si=038b7611367b4f24 There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman by the Numbers Podcast: Caped Crusader Review

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4yKZNm9JTBuoF0xgduIiqs?si=2de9da0f92254a97 There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman by the Numbers: Second Anniversary Batman Draft

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6ILpELIS6OyVrV986d4phG?si=f2f472491d994e9b There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman By The Numbers: The 35th Anniversary of Batman (1989)

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0j35MafCPu8Bx4MagSHadA?si=2d361846f4a04369 There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman By the Numbers: Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2nzYQL4iRO89VDw8XJsFMy?si=1a847d251e2d4178 There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman By The Numbers: Every Christopher Nolan Movie Ranked

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2JZHozjHShsqgHnFPyGib1?si=1cd755511a2e41fd There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...

Batman By The Number: Justice League – Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1 Review

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4VCJbpgRRaf1DFf3HGSRfF?si=be4a3eb352e6471e There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman.  No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor