Daniel Cohen

Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen likes movies and bagels, and that’s pretty much it. Aside from writing Box Office predictions, Daniel hosts the monthly Batman by the Numbers Podcast on the Breakcast feed. Speaking of Batman, If Daniel was sprayed by Scarecrow's fear toxin, it would be watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on a non-stop loop.

Annihilation: A lot of Style. Some Substance.

Annihilation Plot Summary: A mysterious void known as “the shimmer” is currently expanding, and previous expeditions to figure out what the disturbance is have resulted...

Best Supporting Actor: Can Dafoe, Woody, Jenkins or Plummer Take the Gold From Rockwell?

Welcome back to The Pop Break's third annual Oscar predictions series. Like the previous two years, the site's film editor, and Oscar guru Daniel...

Best Supporting Actress Race: Is This Allison Janney’s Oscar to Lose?

Welcome back to The Pop Break's third annual Oscar predictions series. Like the previous two years, the site's film editor, and Oscar guru Daniel...

The BreakCast: Wakanda Forever! The Spoiler Filled Black Panther Review

Black Panther has exploded. An A+ Cinema Score. 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Over $192 million opening weekend. Even Pop Break’s resident MCU curmudgeon gave...

Black Panther: The MCU Movie I’ve Been Waiting For

Black Panther Plot Summary: After the death of his father (John Kani), T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) is set to take the throne of Wakanda, a hidden...

The 15:17 to Paris: Worth Seeing For One Scene

The 15:17 to Paris Plot Summary: Based on the true story about the three young Americans who helped stop a terrorist attack on a train...

The Venom Trailer Didn’t Have Venom. Get Over It.

I felt a great sense of disappointment when the first trailer for Venom ended. Here’s the deal though – it was good disappointment. Why?  I wanted...

We’ve Got a Bad Feeling About The Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer

“I’m going to be a pilot. Best in the galaxy.” Gee, thanks. I didn’t know that about Han Solo. Glad we’re getting this movie. I don’t...

Why Logan’s Screenplay Nomination Really Matters

Academy Award nominations were announced last week, and instead of celebrating Phantom Thread’s surprise run, or John Williams grabbing his fifth Star Wars nomination...

Surprises, Snubs & The Phantom Thread: Reactions to the 2018 Oscar Nominations

Well, if you’re a Phantom Thread fan, boy did you have a good day. We can make all the prognostications and predictions we want, but...

12 Strong: Awful Beginning. Gets Better.

12 Strong Plot Summary: Based on the true story about the first military operation in the wake of September 11th.  Captain Nelson (Chris Hemsworth) leads...

And The Nominees Are: Our Official 2018 Oscar Nomination Predictions

Think of me as Leonardo DiCaprio at the end of The Aviator with long hair and fingernails.  I’ve been cooped up in isolation with...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor