Josh Sarnecky

Josh Sarnecky
Josh Sarnecky is one of Pop Break's staff writers and covers Voltron: Legendary Defender, Game of Thrones, and Stranger Things. His brother, Aaron, also writes for the website, but Josh is the family’s reigning Trivial Pursuit: Star Wars champion.

Couch Potato – 7 Things Parks and Rec Taught Me About 2020 Politics

NBC’s Parks and Recreation may have wrapped up its final season more than five years ago, but latecomers and long-time fans should not be...

Couch Potato – Law Enforcement Dramas in the Age of Black Lives Matter

Police procedurals and law enforcement dramas have been mainstays on television since the 1950s. Some of television’s longest running and most watched shows have...

Couch Potato – Star Wars Fans Should Embrace Their Streaming Future

The Force will be with you always ... because Disney is still churning out Star Wars content. Now that the Skywalker Saga and Disney’s...

Couch Potato #4 – Reviewing Your Television Diet

With most of us spending an increased amount of time in our homes the past month, binge watching/streaming has become the primary source of...

Couch Potato: How Westworld and Jurassic Park Compare as Vacation Destinations

Theme parks are expensive. That means you often have to make the difficult choice of which parks to explore and which parks to skip....

Couch Potato #2: What the Makers of Sonic The Hedgehog Could Learn From The Witcher’s Smash TV Success

For those of us that enjoy playing video games, throwing yourself at the same boss battle or difficult mission over and over again to...

Couch Potato: Why We Love Baby Yoda 

In the early 1990s, ABC aired a sitcom about an anthropomorphic family of dinosaurs aptly titled Dinosaurs. Within this nuclear family, the most memorable...

The Mandalorian Episode 5 Review: ‘The Gunslinger’ is Not Up to Par

Considering how high the bar has been set by previous episodes, it is somewhat unfair to say that The Mandalorian Episode 5 is probably...

Stranger Things Season 4: 8 Things What We Want to See

Whether you binged all of Stranger Things Season 3 like a mind-controlled rat eating fertilizer or decided to slowly enjoy the season like a...

Stranger Things Season 3 Episode 7, ‘The Bite’: A Visually Stunning, Stake-Raising Penultimate Episode

With only one episode left this season, Stranger Things raises the stakes yet again. Not only does this penultimate episode deliver some of the...

Stranger Things Season 3 Episode 4, ‘The Sauna Test’ Review: Things Heat Up

If Stranger Things was a typical cable television series, this episode would stand as the perfect (read: excruciating) cliffhanger for a midseason finale/hiatus. I...

‘Stranger Things’ Needs to Grow Up in Season 3

The first half of 2016 was, in my many ways, a simpler time. The Chicago Cubs had still not won the World Series in...


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