Jason Stives

Jason Stives

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Last Christmas’

Last Christmas Plot Summary: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Olivia Coleman) must battle dream crabs - alien beings that attach themselves to the face's...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Death in Heaven’

Doctor Who’s eighth season/series came to a close last night with the stellar (but emotionally ruining) episode, “Death in Heaven.” This finale proved to...

TV Recap: Doctor Who

Wowza! There is a lot going in “Dark Water,” the first part in Doctor Who’s two-part series finale, and although there isn’t much here relating...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘In The Forest of the Night’

Sometimes a great idea can overtake the actual mechanics of an episode. It applies to pop music as well -- the overall appeal...

TV Recap: Dr. Who, ‘Flatline’

I don’t know how the turnaround started, but it’s amazing to see how much life has been brought back into Doctor Who since the...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’

In a recent discussion with a friend about Series 8, he commented that not much has been going on but I think this is...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Kill the Moon’

Strike what I said about “Listen” a few weeks back. THIS was something special. There’s always room for praise when Doctor Who brings on a...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘The Caretaker’

My biggest complaint with the current series of Doctor Who has been that it has yet to establish a tone for the series that...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Time Heist’

As Clara says at the tail end of “Time Heist,” bank robberies are not the Doctor’s thing and neither is it the show’s thing....

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Listen’

Well wasn’t that something to behold? “Listen” is one of those episodes that many will have a hard time finding enough superlatives for. This...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Robot of Sherwood’

Veteran Doctor Who scribe Mark Gatiss is one of those polarizing writers for fans of the show. He's often good at crafting stories that...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Into the Dalek’

After a padded but thoroughly enjoyable debut, Doctor Who is faced with two challenges: the dreaded second episode lull and the return of its...


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