Jason Stives

Jason Stives

TV Review: New Girl — ‘Santa’

jason stives gets in the christmas spirit... Oh, how I love Christmas episodes on prime time television. I don’t know how they seem to work...

Video Game Review: WWE 13

jason stives gets raw... As some of the past Three Angry Nerds columns have shown I’m not the diehard devoted fan of professional wrestling that...

2013 Grammy Nominee Reactions

jason stives gives his thoughts on this years noms... Oh award season, you have started your unbridled push to piss of the masses once again...

TV Review: New Girl -“Bathtub”

jason stives gets in the tub with the new girl... Tuesday night’s episode titled “Bathtub” was a dividing line in the overall direction and quality...

Review: Killing Them Softly

jason stives kills 'em...   Up until this weekend I was very unfamiliar with the work of Australian director Andrew Dominik, whose other noted work The...

TV Review: New Girl “Eggs”

jason stives has eggs on his face... While I have encouraged the importance of strong separate storylines for the main five characters of New Girl...

TV Review: New Girl 3 Episode Round-Up

jason stives serves up a triple serving of reviews... Okay New Girl fans, we're back on the reviewing band wagon after several weeks of hurricane/holiday-induced...

Review: Skyfall

stives, jason stives reviews the latest bond... To me every few years when a new James Bond film is released it feels like a belated...

TV Review: South Park – ‘Obama Wins!’

jason stives rides a tonton into the sunset... Shows that heave the kitchen sink at a television audience tend to fall flat as they rarely...

A Look Back at Batman: The Animated Series – The 20th Anniversary

jason stives looks back at one of the most amazing animated series in history... Anniversaries are a rather fractured form of celebration in our culture....

TV Review: South Park ‘A Scause For Applause’

jason stives makes 'em clap... The best kind of South Park episodes tend to not be measured on how consistently funny it is through formula...

TV Review: New Girl “Models”

jason stives struts his little thing on the catwalk... It was very fitting that I reviewed this week’s episode of New Girl, entitled “Models,” in...


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