Jason Stives

Jason Stives

TV Review: Doctor Who, ‘Deep Breath’ (Series 8 Premiere)

Spoilers Ahead Normally with a series premiere of Doctor Who I find myself reiterating “another year, another season” but this time it’s different. After a...

Pop-Break Live: Dr. Who Series 8 Premiere with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman

Over a 12 day period the production team behind Doctor Who has travelled the globe on a lengthy world tour to promote the show’s...

Interview: Drenge

There is nothing grand about the sibling duo Drenge, they are the farthest from rock stars and that does them just fine. Growing up...

Film Review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Much like its predecessor it’s hard to not foresee the outcome of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes -- even before the film...

TV Recap: Orphan Black, ‘By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried’ (Series 2 Finale)

At the end of its sophomore year it’s hard to tell where Orphan Black will take its shape from here on out. A third...

Interview: Kaiser Chiefs

Sometimes you have to jump through hoops to get an interview done without any issue be it sleet or snow, rain or shine, or...

Book Review: ‘The Quotable Doctor Who’ by Cavan Scott & Mark Wright

On paper a book of quotes isn't much to dissect unless there is a continuous theme and even more so if it’s a book...

TV Recap: Orphan Black, ‘Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done’

Man, what a difference a week makes. After last week’s debacle, Orphan Black rebounded this week with its penultimate episode, but at what cost?...

Album Review: The Orwells, ‘Disgraceland’

Youth in music is everything; it is the means by which we measure how artists are catered to a young market that makes up...

Album Review: Sam Smith, ‘In the Lonely Hour’

At this point any person with even a basic knowledge of current pop music knows who Sam Smith is. In 2013 he was responsible...

TV Recap: Orphan Black, ‘Variable and Full of Perturbation’

It’s been a long time since the cold opening of a TV show pulled me in without trying but this week Orphan Black changed...

TV Review: Orphan Black, ‘Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things’

Seven episodes in and heading for the home stretch I am reminded why sometimes it is so difficult to review Orphan Black. The rather...


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