Jason Stives

Jason Stives

Pop-Ed: The 2014 Grammy Awards

I have stated in previous articles that I am not a big fan of award shows and the Grammys in particular, or any award/honor...

TV Recap: Sherlock, ‘Sign of Three’

When the credits roll at the end of “Sign of Three” it’s obvious that we have witnessed what will probably be the most polarizing...

TV Review: Blacks Sails, Series Premiere

In the absence of Spartacus, Starz is in need of a percentage of original programming featuring maritime action, throat slitting, and exposed breasts. All...

Album Review: Against Me!, ‘Transgender Dysphoria Blues’

It's important while listening to Against Me!'s latest release Transgender Dysphoria Blues to separate what it means for a band to have new life...

TV Recap: Sherlock, ‘The Empty Hearse’ (Series 3 Premiere)

Two years. Two very long years. The trouble with a new series of Sherlock is it’s over in the blink of an eye. Even...

Pop-Ed: I Liked Music in 2013…and that’s Okay

I’ve been the music editor now for half of the year and if you haven’t noticed I have been very quiet beyond my Singles...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘The Time of the Doctor’ (Christmas Special)

The Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, once uttered the immortal words “That's the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know what you are going to...

Doctor Who Holiday Gift Guide

So it’s only a few days before Christmas, hell, it might be hours away depending on when you read this, and your significant other...

TV Recap: South Park, ‘The Hobbit’ (Season Finale)

Just like that 10 weeks are gone and another season of South Park is in the books. Last night’s season finale (does this show...

TV Recap: South Park, ‘Titties and Dragons’

After several weeks, South Park’s Game of Thrones parody finally concluded in glorious fashion and I must say I am sad to see it...

TV Review: Dr. Who, ‘The Day of the Doctor’

After watching “The Day of the Doctor,” Doctor Who’s 80-minute 50th anniversary special, I needed some time to myself to reflect. The overwhelming excitement...

TV Review: An Adventure in Space and Time

This weekend is a momentous one for Doctor Who fans as the show celebrates its 50th anniversary with the anniversary special “The Day of...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor