Jason Stives

Jason Stives

TV Review: In the Flesh, U.S. Series Premiere

jason stives is among the living ... Let's face it, there is no escaping zombies in this current plight of pop culture. Fatigue may be...

Film Review: Now You See Me

jason stives tries some slight of hand ... In the hierarchy of entertainment coolness magicians tend to fall somewhere near the bottom just above mimes....

Mad About Mad Men: ‘The Better Half’

jason stives is mad as hell ... Plot: It's drama central on Mad Men. Don and Megan are in crisis (of sorts), Abe and Peggy...

TV Recap: Dr. Who Series 7 Recap

jason stives looks at the seventh series of Doctor Who ... So collecting my thoughts on an overall season of Doctor Who is just as...

Film Review: Fast and Furious 6

jason stives is in the driver's seat ... Let’s be frank. The Fast and Furious films are completely ridiculous but it’s a damn good exercise...

Rewriting the Myth: An Interview with Neil Gaiman

jason stives talks Who with one of the most beloved authors in sci-fi and fantasy history ... Expletives are nothing new to sci-fi and fantasy...

Film Review: Star Trek into Darkness

jason stives gives us a star date ... In 2009 J.J. Abrams was able to do something that not many can say they have done;...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, Series 7 Finale

jason stives looks at the impossible series finale ... Boy, you got some cowboys in here. This is a rather fitting quote I have lifted...

Album Review: She & Him, ‘Volume 3’

jason stives ... still adorkable ... the joke never gets old ... It’s an understatement that actress/singer Zooey Deschanel has her share of critics in...

TV Recap: Dr. Who, ‘Nightmare in Silver’

jason stives gets his cyber on ... *Warning: Spoilers ahead if you have not seen tonight’s episode* So we are playing the hype card once again...

Film Review: Iron Man 3

jason stives proves his metal ... Plot: When Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin (Ben...

TV Recap: Dr. Who, ‘The Crimson Horror’

jason stives sees the horror ... Warning: If you haven’t watched tonight’s episode yet, refrain from the massive spoilers ahead. As I learned after last week’s...


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