Jason Stives

Jason Stives

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS’

jason stives is on a journey ... Okay, this is unreal. Is it possible that Doctor Who has struck lightning three weeks in a row?...

TV Recap: Dr. Who, ‘Hide’

jason stives is hidden ... Who doesn’t love a good scare once in awhile? Most do but it’s so hard to incorporate good scare tactics...

Album Review: Jake Bugg, ‘Jake Bugg’

jason stives goes across the pond ... When you hear about teen prodigy musicians in the press, it's at the expense of some lame music...

Album Review: Brad Paisley, ‘Wheelhouse’

jason stives is country strong ... Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Country singer Brad Paisley has spent the better part of...

TV Review: Doctor Who, ‘Cold War’

jason stives hunts for red october ... After two weeks of mixed results “Cold War” brought Doctor Who back to sense of precision and maybe...

TV Recap: Dr. Who, ‘The Rings of Akhaten’

jason stives is the lord of the rings ... One of the things that has made Steven Moffat’s tenure on Doctor Who a unique one...

TV Recap: Doctor Who, ‘The Bells of Saint John’

jason stives looks at the return of The Doctor ... After so many years, you expect a certain amount of information delivered in regards to...

The Anatomy of a Showrunner: An Interview with Steven Moffat

jason stives talks with one of the most beloved showrunners in television today ... At this point in his career, writer Steven Moffat has reached...

Review: Orphan Black, Series Premiere

jason stives looks at the new BBC America series ... If one thing is true in 2013 it's that cable networks are slowly becoming the...

Album Review: Palma Violets, ‘180’

jason stives has you in the 'palma' of his hand ... To paraphrase a movie quote, 180, the debut album from London indie rockers Palma...

Album Review: The Strokes, ‘Comedown Machine’

jason stives is a machine ... It’s amazing to think that the Strokes released their classic debut Is This It? 12 years ago, but here...

TV Recap: The Americans, ‘Duty and Honor’

jason stives' emotions run high this week... Its an understatement that The Americans has been on a roll lately and last nights episode, “Duty and...


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