Kimberlee Rossi-Fuchs

Kimberlee Rossi-Fuchs

TV Recap: Futurama, Season 7 Premiere

kimberlee rossi-fuchs looks at the premiere of the animated series' final run ... Futurama premieres for it's seventh and final season on Comedy Central tonight...

Watching the Throne: Second Sons

It’s good to be an eldest son in Westeros, where primogeniture assures the senior boy possession of the titles, lands, and glory that come...

Watching the Throne: ‘The Bear and the Maiden’

kimberlee rossi-fuchs dances with a bear ... Each year, A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin takes time away from his (hopefully)...

Watching the Throne: Game of Thrones, ‘Walk of Punishment’

kimberlee rossi-fuchs walks the walk ... After two slower outings designed primarily to lay the groundwork for what’s to come this season, “Walk of Punishment,”...

Watching the Throne: Game of Thrones, Season 3 Premiere

kimberlee rossi-fuchs returns with a look at the beginning of a new game ... Spring may have just recently sprung, but winter is coming as...

TV Review: Louie, Season 3 Finale

kimberlee rossi-fuchs bids adieu to her favorite ginger... As far as season finales go, “New Year’s Eve” was nearly perfect in capturing the tone of...

TV Review: Louie, Late Show Part 3

kimberlee rossi-fuchs loves a good ginger... By this point in the series’ run, pretty much every Louie fan knows enough about the way the show...

TV Review: Louie, Season 3, Ep. 11

kimberlee rossi-fuchs looks at the next to last episode of louie... “Late Show (Part 2)” picks up right where we left off two weeks ago,...

TV Review: Louie, Season 3, Ep. 10

kimberlee rossi-fuchs looks at episode 10... The story in “Late Show (Pt. 1),” the second multi-part episode of the season, unfolds over three days in...

TV Review: Louie, Season 3, Ep. 9

kimberlee rossi-fuchs looks at the ninth installment of louie... “Looking for Liz/Lilly Changes,” this week’s installment of Louie, revolves around Louie’s attempts to locate two...

TV Review: Louie, Season 3, Ep. 8

kimberlee rossi-fuchs looks at episode ocho... “Dad,” this week’s installment of Louie, was one of the season’s stronger efforts. Like “Daddy’s Girlfriend,” it followed a...

TV Review: Louie, Season 3, Ep. 7

kimberlee rossi-fuchs looks at the seventh installment of this year's season of louie... “Ikea,” the first half of this week’s Louie, begins with Louie unhappily...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor