Luke Kalamar

Luke Kalamar

TV Recap: Saturday Night Live – Sarah Silverman, Maroon 5

Pre-Show Thoughts I’m not afraid to admit that Sarah Silverman isn’t one of my favorite comedians. Her humor simply didn’t work for me for a...

Remembering the Classics: The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings is by far one of literary fiction’s greatest works. J. R. R. Tolkien, already a renowned author when he...

TV Recap: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., ‘Heavy is the Head’

Plot: Carl Creel (Brian Patrick Wade) has taken the Obelisk and left the bodies of Isabelle Hartley (Lucy Lawless) and Idaho (Wilmer Calderon) in...

TV Recap: Family Guy, ‘The Simpsons Guy’

Plot: After Peter (Seth MacFarlane) upsets women with an offensive comic, the Griffins decide to take a trip away from Quahog. They’re forced to...

Remembering the Classics: Nintendo

Nintendo. That's a name that carries a ton of weight. No matter where you are or how old you may be, you know what...

TV Recap: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., ‘Shadows’ (Season 2)

Plot: An undetermined amount of time has passed since Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) became the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. In that time, this severely...

Remembering the Classics: The Legend of Zelda

As the only console developer that has built its entire fortune from the game industry, Nintendo has a very unique advantage that their big...

Remembering the Classics: Dreamcast

Throughout the late 80s and the early 90s, two Japanese companies were vying for console superiority: Nintendo and Sega. The former had revitalized the...

Remembering the Classics: The Sims

Let’s face it. Normal life can get pretty boring. There is nothing exciting about going to work everyday or going to class to study...

Review: The Walking Dead Video Game Season Finale, “No Going Back”

Plot: Clementine (Melissa Hutchinson) has come a long way since Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy) found her in that tree house. With everything collapsing around...

TV Review: Falling Skies, Season 4 Finale

Plot: It’s time for the Hail Mary play to ensure humanity’s survival. Can Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) successfully reach the Moon? What about the...

Remembering the Classics: Tekken

When done properly, a mashup can become a massive success. The seemingly simple yet very complex concept of pushing together two completely distinct ideas...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor