Luke Kalamar

Luke Kalamar

TV Review: Falling Skies, ‘Door Number Three’

Plot: Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) has arrived at Lexi’s (Scarlett Byrne) camp. His appearance sets off a string of reunions that make our protagonists...

Remembering the Classics: Crash Bandicoot

Video game developer Naughty Dog has a pretty sterling reputation with PlayStation owners. The previous console generation especially has been kind to this Santa...

TV Recap: Falling Skies, ‘Mind Wars’

Plot: Reunited with his son Matt (Maxim Knight), Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) begins to track down Hal’s (Drew Roy) whereabouts after he finds their...

Remembering the Classics: Fire Emblem

It’s undeniable that Super Smash Bros. is a massive success. When the series first premiered back in 1999, the recipe for a surefire hit...

TV Recap: Falling Skies, ‘Evolve or Die’

Plot: When Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) learns where his son Matt (Maxim Knight) is, he immediately grabs Dan Weaver (Will Patton) and Cochise (Doug...

Remembering the Classics: Evolution Championship Series (Evo)

Fighting games have been in the news a lot recently. It all started back in June when a brand new Mortal Kombat game was...

Emmy Nominations Reactions (2014)

Another year, another celebration of television by giving people a golden statue holding a globe. It’s clearer than ever this year that a lot...

TV Recap: Extant, Series Premiere

Plot: Astronaut Molly Woods (Halley Berry) is returning to Earth after a yearlong excursion in outer space. During that timespan, she was completely alone....

TV Recap: Falling Skies, ‘Exodus’

Plot: Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) sets his intricate plan of escape into motion. Ben (Connor Jessup) and Maggie (Sarah Carter) react to Lexi’s (Scarlett...

Remembering the Classics: Medal of Honor

The 4th of July. It is easily the most American holiday in the history of this diverse nation. And why wouldn’t it be? It’s...

TV Review, The Leftovers Season Premiere

Plot: On October 14th, 2% of the world’s population vanished in an instant. A grand total of 140 million people went missing without a...

TV Recap: Falling Skies, ‘The Eye’

Plot: Desperately seeking answers to his plight, Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) willingly goes into an Espheni ship to search for a way out of...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor