Luke Kalamar

Luke Kalamar

TV Recap: The Legend of Korra, Book 3 Premiere

This is a review of The Legend of Korra’s first three episodes of Season 3, all of which aired on Friday. The episodes are...

Remembering the Classics: Transformers

Transformers is easily one of the most recognizable franchises in history. Who alive hasn’t heard of the never-ending battle between the brave Autobots and...

TV Recap: FX’s Tyrant, Series Premiere

Plot: Bassam “Barry” Al-Fayeed (Adam Rayner) is a wildly successful pediatrician living in Los Angeles. He has a beautiful wife named Molly (Jennifer Finnigan)...

TV Recap: Falling Skies, ‘Ghost in the Machine’ Season 4 Premiere

Plot: Emboldened from their latest huge victory, the 2nd Mass returns to Charleston with their heads held up high. Their good fortune is short...

Remembering the Classics: FIFA

Sports and video haves have gone hand-in-hand since the very beginning. Pong, the title that started the video game industry we know today, was...

TV Recap: Fargo, Season 1 Wrap-Up

Plot: When a drifter named Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) rolls into the town of Bemidji, Minnesota, he leaves behind a path littered with...

Remembering the Classics: Star Fox

Nintendo once again stood out from the pack this year at the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles. As representatives from Sony...

Remembering the Classics: Mortal Kombat

The fighting genre has changed significantly since the early arcade days. Back before home consoles were everyone’s goto source of gaming, arcades were a...

Pop-Ed: TV Shows We’re Excited For This Summer

The summer season is synonymous with a lot of things, most of which have to do with the wonderful word “vacation.” People who were...

Review: Game of Thrones, ‘The Mountain and The Viper’

Plot: The day of reckoning has arrived for Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage). Can his champion Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal) defeat the enormous Gregor Clegane...

Remembering the Classics: Wolfenstein

As we have seen time and time again throughout video game history, first-person shooters and World War II practically go hand in hand. Nearly...

Remembering the Classics: YESTERcades

As I first mentioned in my post about Advance Wars coming to the Wii U’s Virtual Console, the video game industry has long dealt...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor