Plot: After usurping his father’s master plan, Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) is in desperate need of a champion. Jon (Kit Harington) faces the consequences of...
Mario is undeniably the most famous figure within the video game industry. Since his first appearance in 1981’s Donkey Kong, Nintendo has focused heavily...
Pre-Show Thoughts
Charlize Theron is easily one of the most versatile but underrated actresses in the industry. This Oscar winning beauty has found success doing...
The Pokémon franchise is an unstoppable force within the industry. As the second most profitable, each new installment guarantees commercial success. This is especially...
Plot: Still reeling from Grant Ward’s (Brett Dalton) betrayal, Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and his team bundle their limited resources to fight Hydra. Their...
Plot: Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) is officially the new King of Westeros. Immediately following his coronation, Cersei (Lena Headey) and Tywin (Charles Dance) prepare their...
Pre-Show Thoughts
Seeing as The Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out this weekend, it wasn’t unreasonable to expect one of the stars to host Saturday Night...