Luke Kalamar

Luke Kalamar

Remembering the Classics: Donkey Kong

In an industry where the home console market is dominated by three companies, it’s easy to forget that only one of them entirely bases...

TV Recap: The Following, ‘Reflection’

Plot: Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) has been taken in by the warm embrace of Lily Gray (Connie Nielsen). While Joe wonders what Lily’s real...

TV Recap: The Walking Dead, ‘Inmates’

Plot: The Prison is destroyed and the survivors have separated into randomly formed groups. Now they must do whatever they can to survive without...

Remembering the Classics: Final Fantasy

Last week’s Remembering the Classics was all about Dungeons & Dragons, the undisputed forefather of every modern RPG in existence. Ideas and standards set...

TV Review: The Following, ‘Family Affair’

Plot: Lily Gray (Connie Nielsen) has gone into hiding with her two sons Mark and Luke (Sam Underwood). Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon) is doing...

TV Recap: The Walking Dead, ‘After’

Plot: The Prison is completely destroyed and the former occupants have scattered. Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) are doing their best...

Remembering the Classics: Dungeons & Dragons

Role-playing games (RPGs) are easily the most diverse genre of game on the market. Each title shares the similar themes of an overarching narrative,...

TV Review: The Walking Dead, Season 4 (First Half)

After a two month wait, The Walking Dead is back this Sunday to continue the fourth season. It may have taken an extra half...

TV Recap: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., ‘T.R.A.C.K.S.’

Plot: After paying two students to invent a dangerous ice machine and subsequently creating a new super villain, Ian Quinn (David Conrad) officially has...

Album Review: Broken Bells, ‘After the Disco’

Broken Bells has always been an interesting side project for The Shins frontman James Mercer. First formed in 2008 but not announced until 2009,...

TV Recap: The Following, ‘Trust Me’

Plot: After taking matters into his own hands, the FBI is officially fed up with Ryan Hardy’s (Kevin Bacon) vigilantism. Will Ryan be able...

TV Recap: Saturday Night Live – Melissa McCarthy, Imagine Dragons

Pre-Show Thoughts: Girlfriend: “Who’s on Saturday Night Live tonight?” Me: “Melissa McCarthy with Imagine Dragons.” Girlfriend: “McCarthy again?!” That conversation actually happened a few hours before SNL aired...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor