Marisa Carpico

Marisa Carpico
By day, Marisa Carpico stresses over America’s election system. By night, she becomes a pop culture obsessive. Whether it’s movies, TV or music, she watches and listens to it all so you don’t have to.

Review: Batgirl #1

Pre-Rebirth Batgirl is a tough act to follow. Written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, that series found Barbara Gordon literally back on her...

Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Jason Todd has one hell of a history. Invented as a replacement Robin after Dick Grayson ran off to become Nightwing, the new Boy...

Review: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

There are a lot of super teams in comics—some better known than others. The Birds of Prey is one of the lesser-known groups. While...

Review: The Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

John Constantine is not a superhero. If Hellblazer #1 does nothing else, it proves that. However, it also proves that that's exactly what makes...

Review: Justice League #1

In case anyone thought the post-Rebirth Justice League might start slow, this first issue proves that isn't the case. What's the point of teaming...

Nightwing Rebirth #1

Dick Grayson has had many alter egos. From Robin, to Nightwing, to even Batman for a brief time, he's constantly becoming someone else. It's...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth #1

Of the Rebirth series, the Green Lantern-related books are the toughest for new readers. There are multiple Green Lanterns on Earth alone, not to...

Review: New Super-man #1

If you've been reading my reviews of DC's Rebirth issues, you know I don't love Superman. New 52 Clark Kent was far from perfect....

Review: Justice League: Rebirth #1

I've spent the last few weeks mercilessly criticizing the concept of DC's comic universe reboot, Rebirth. However, I actually like most of this week's...

Review: Detective Comics #935

Detective Comics #934 was a strong introduction to a new superhero team. This issue isn’t quite at the same level, but it still has...

Review: Action Comics #958

Two weeks ago, I criticized the first post-Rebirth issue of Action Comics for being too gimmicky. That's true of this issue as well, but...

Review: Aquaman #1

The Aquaman Rebirth #1 was a great introduction to the titular Atlantean. Writer Dan Abnett set up a lot of promising plot threads to...


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