Marisa Carpico

Marisa Carpico
By day, Marisa Carpico stresses over America’s election system. By night, she becomes a pop culture obsessive. Whether it’s movies, TV or music, she watches and listens to it all so you don’t have to.

Review: Detective Comics #935

Detective Comics #934 was a strong introduction to a new superhero team. This issue isn’t quite at the same level, but it still has...

Review: Action Comics #958

Two weeks ago, I criticized the first post-Rebirth issue of Action Comics for being too gimmicky. That's true of this issue as well, but...

Review: Aquaman #1

The Aquaman Rebirth #1 was a great introduction to the titular Atlantean. Writer Dan Abnett set up a lot of promising plot threads to...

You Watched O.J.: Made in America, Now Here’s Some Essential 30 for 30’s You Need to See

Now that director Ezra Edelman's masterful deep dive into the Trial of the Century, O.J.: Made in America is over, you may be asking yourself now what?...

TV Recap: O.J.: Made in America, Part 4 & 5

Part Three of director Ezra Edelman's deconstruction of the Trial of the Century, O.J.: Made in America was somewhat of a disappointment. After over...

TV Recap: O.J.: Made in America, Part 2 & 3

By the end of Part 1 of O.J.: Made in America, director Ezra Edelman had given us not only a rundown of how O.J....

Review: Superman #1

Of the Rebirth books released so far, the Superman-related series have been the weakest. Largely, that's because they're based on a flawed premise: rather...

Review: Batman #1

Of the Rebirth one-shots released so far, the Batman issue was one of the best. The first issue of the new Batman series proper...

Review: Green Arrow #1

I don't usually read a comic twice. Outside of the dense mythology of something like Kieron Gillen's The Wicked and the Divine, most books...

Review: Titans Rebirth #1

I've been unrelenting in my criticism of the whole concept of Rebirth since the moment Geoff Johns's reboot of the DCU hit shelves. However,...

TV Recap: O.J.: Made in America, Part 1

A few minutes before O.J.: Made in America began, I was nervous. I'd heard so many good things and I'm a hardcore 30 for...

Review: Detective Comics #934

The idea of a Batman team-up book almost seems oxymoronic. The Dark Knight–especially on film–is kind of a loner, a brooding billionaire whose only...


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