Michelle Coraci

Michelle Coraci

The Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 4: Rugby, Rumors & The Lukes

Chris tells the men that they are heading to Rhode Island. They seem overly excited to go from beautiful sunny California to Rhode Island…...

Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 3: Jason Biggs, Lllamas & Drama Central

First of all, I’d like to wish a happy Memorial Day to our troops and the family members of troops who have fallen. Date...

Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 2 Review: Drag Queens, Nuggets & Roller Derby

The first few weeks are always the hardest with keeping up with the names of all the contestants, but there’s always a few people...

The Bachelorette Season 15 Premiere Review: Hannah B Meets The Men

I’m pretty excited about this season. I think Hannah B. is so deliciously awkward and wholesome that she has the potential to be a...

Wrestlemania 35 Predictions Series: Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns

Drew McIntyre has been on a revenge-driven rampage against the individual Shield members since he lost to them during Fastlane’s six-man tag team match....

Disney’s Dumbo Review: Tim Burton’s Live Action Adaptation Crashes and Burns

The original Dumbo is a 64-minute animated feature that is vaguely about nothing, but tiptoes around the story of a freakish elephant baby who...

The Bachelor Season 23 Finale Part 2: Colton Gives His Final Rose in Dramatic Fashion

We’ve made it. This is the last episode of the season, and Chris Harrison has my expectations for this finale pretty high. The Season Finale They...

Review: The Bachelor Season 23 Finale Part One

This was the first half of what Chris Harrison calls “The heartbreaking two-night season finale.” The first 10 minutes of the episode are just a...

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 10 – The Women Tell All

This episode starts with the reminder of how Monday's episode ended. And they introduce all the girls who have been sent home from Colton’s...

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 9 – Fantasy Suites, Fence Jumps & Colton Walks Off

This is the episode we’ve all been waiting for, folks. Fantasy Suites are here! Does Colton lose his virginity? If so, who does he...

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 8: The Legendary ‘Hometowns’ Episode

Hometown 1 – Caelynn – Fredericksburg, VA Caelynn and Colton get picked up in a horse-drawn carriage. They’re being driven around a very cute little...

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 7: We’re Down to the Final Four

Just in case anyone lost rack, we’re already down to seven girls. Hannah G, Hannah B., Tayshia, Kirpa, Caelynn, Cassie, and Heather. Colton is...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor