Ryan Demarco

Ryan Demarco

Film Review: Kingsman: The Secret Service

Written by Ryan DeMarco Kingsman: The Secret Service Plot Summary: Kingsman tells the story of a super-secret spy organization located in London. When gentlemen posh secret...

TV Recap: Justified, ‘The Trash and the Snake’

Written by Ryan DeMarco The Trash and the Snake Plot Summary: In the latest episode, Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) and Tim (Jacob Pitts) go after Avery Markham...

TV Recap: The Blacklist: ‘Luther Braxton: Conclusion’

Written by Ryan DeMarco The Blacklist Midseason Premiere Plot Summary In the conclusion to the two part arc, Agent Kean (Megan Boone) is taken hostage by...

TV Recap: Justified, ‘Noblesse Oblige’

Written by Ryan DeMarco Noblesse Oblige Plot Summary: ADA Vasquez (Rick Gomez), and Brooks issue Ava (Joelle Carter) an ultimatum, to either give up information about...

TV Recap: The Blacklist, ‘Luther Braxton’

Written by Ryan DeMarco In the Mid-season premiere, Reddington (James Spader) is arrested by the CIA and is relocated to high security center, known as...

TV Recap: Justified, ‘Cash Game’

Written by Ryan DeMarco Cash Game Plot Summary: “Cash Game” focuses on the aftermath of Boyd’s (Walton Goggins) botched bank robbery and introduced the mark of...

TV Recap: Justified, ‘Fate’s Right Hand’ (Season 6 Premiere)

Written by Ryan Demarco Fate's Right Hand Plot Summary In the season 6 premiere US Deputy Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) and the Marshals of Lexington...

Review: Elementary

Written by Ryan DeMarco The New York Comic Con panel for the hit CBS series Elementary wasted no time showing the audience what they came...


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