Pop-Break Staff

Pop-Break Staff
Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.

She & Him: Romantic Movies for Both of You

bill bodkin and sue look at films of the romantic nature that you can both enjoy ... as well as make an obscure reference...

What I Learned from MTV’s Jersey Shore

a follow-up to our most popular blog...guest blogger sue talks about what she learned from a full season of watching MTV's Jersey Shore. 1. Gorillas:...

Guest Blog: The Top Movies of the 50s

the second part of bill bodkins "movies in the 50s" series...this time he discusses his favorite movies from the decade. I want to thank all...

Oscar Nom Reactions

this is the official kick-off to our oscar season coverage. our predictions blog was kind of a "pre-game" now we're kicking it into high...

And the Oscar Could Go To…

Tomorrow is the big day. The oscar nominations are being announced by the lovely Anne Hathaway, and we're excited. (Okay, brent's excited for Anne...

Johnson vs. Johnson: A Grammy Debate

Brian's Take on the Grammys Let’s be honest: The Grammys are lame. Not because award shows are lame, but because rewarding has-beens is lame. To...

Debate: Has Entourage Lost It?

With the HBO series Entourage debuting in syndication on SpikeTV, guest blogger Ryan Hutchins and B&B co-founder Brent Johnson discuss the mega-popular series. Is...

Under the Radar Love: Bands to Discover

Welcome to the first installment of "Under The radar Love," a column by brooke bates that will feature bands the mainstream might not be...

The Hurt Locker: A Marine’s Perspective

bill bodkin, father of the co-publisher of this blog, is a former marine ... this is his take on the film The Hurt Locker...

Golden Globe Reactions…

bill bodkin and brent johnson have had time to mull it over now, so here are their reactions to this year's Golden Globe winners...

inside beat Reunion Blog: The Best of the Decade … and More

This blog is one that is near and dear to the heart of B&B co-founders Bill Bodkin and Brent Johnson. As former inside beat...

Guest Blog: Top Video Games of the 00s

special guest blog by Scott Thurlow As a disclaimer: many might notice this list is frontloaded with the newest gen console games for the most...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor