
Comic Review: Transformers #16 (Image/Skybound)

Transformers #16 finds the events of last issue seamlessly flow into this month's robot Kaiju brawl between Starscream's Brigade and Soundwave's Constructicon unit. As...

Preview: Space Ghost #9 (Dynamite Comics)

Talk about a sprint, the battle for the Galactic Federation homeworld is fast and furious.  it's funny, I'm going to make a similar reference...

Review: Transformers #15 (Image/Skybound)

With issue #16 hitting local comic shops today, let's take a run through last month's epic episode. Michael Bay would be jealous of this...

Review: Transformers #14 (Image/Skybound Comics)

What a ride this has been! The previous issue gave us a glimpse into starscream's Origins and this issue takes us back crashing to...

Preview: Space Ghost #8 (Dynamite Comics)

Now this is what we’ve been waiting for! Space Ghost dead? An enemy triumphant?  David Pepose and Jonathan Lau bring us a tale...

Review: G.I. Joe #1 (Image/Skybound)

Hoo-Rah! The All-American Heroes of G.I. Joe blast their way into the Energon Universe! The stories from Duke, Cobra Commander, and Destro all come together...

Review: Transformers #13 (Image Comics)

An intense battle with an explosive conclusion, leading to reprieve but a tense cliffhanger, Autobots and Decepticons regroup For the next phase of the...

Review: Space Ghost #7 (Dynamite Comics)

Move over Space Ghost, someone else takes the spotlight this month! Is it Jace and his technical wizardry? Is it Jan and her no-nonsense...

Review: Space Ghost #6 (Dynamite Comics)

It has certainly been a minute, now hasn't it? Finally catching up on a lot of material, so be prepared for a number of...

Review: DC All In One-Shot Special

Here I am covering the DC All In Special or, perhaps I would call it the Booster Gold All In one-shot? I don’t usually...

Review: Transformers #12 (Image Comics)

The Epic conclusion!!! Of the first major story arc.  Sorry, I tend to start off my reviews with a Furman-ism or a stereotypical Marvel headline...

Review: The Masked Macher #1 (Dark Horse)

Each week I go through previews online to see what comics are coming out so I know what to have reserved at my local...

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