Writer-director Sean Baker’s filmography is littered with stories centered on sex workers that mix his distinct style of comedy and drama. However, his latest...
Kate Winslet's newest film, Lee, is a long-simmering passion project for the actress. Produced by Winslet and directed by Ellen Kuras, it's a fictionalized...
There’s arguably no superhero in existence that has been reimagined, redefined, or reinterpreted more than Batman. No matter how many times he’s been rebooted,...
The hottest club in Toronto, Heretic has everything: A Bob Ross Monopoly game, Mormons talking about condom sizes, a robust dissection of religion, and...
The Socially Distanced Podcast was created by two pop culture-obsessed dads during COVID who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them...
In today's world of nostalgia-driven sequels and prequels, reboots and re-envisioning, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is a breath of fresh air.
The sequel to Tim Burton's 1988...