
Review: Sherlock Holmes

bill bodkin reviews Guy Ritchie's re-imagining of the classic literary character ... The film-going public was left with an ambiguous piece of evidence this fall:...

Review: Up In The Air

brent johnson looks at the year's most topical Oscar contender ... So, I've been sitting here the last few minutes wracking my brain over what...

Own, Rent, Avoid: Guy Ritchie Films

This is the newest column for the B&B: Own, Rent, Avoid. The concept is actually a version of the game "Shag, Marry, Kill" (replace...

Golden Globes Nominations

It's my favorite time of the year. Not just because of the holidays -- but because it's Oscar season. I'll admit my nerdiness: I...

To Blu-Ray or Not To Blu-Ray: That is the Question

b&B co-founder brent Johnson and guest blogger ryan hutchins debate the awesomeness of blu-ray ... "Hey Blu-Ray... You Get Your Goddamn Hands Off Her!"...

Review: Ninja Assassin

bill bodkin reviews the cinematic bloodbath ... "If you want blood ... YOU GOT IT!" This exclamation by AC/DC lead singer Brian Johnson perfectly summarizes the...

Review: Fantastic Mr. Fox

bill bodkin dives into Wes Anderson's latest fantastical film ... Wes Anderson has proven once again that he makes movies that are quote, unquote fantastic. Based...

Guest Blog: Movies in the ’50s

bill bodkin's father weighs in on his favorite films of the eisenhower era ... When I was asked to write a review on my...

Guest Blog: Top Film Noirs

Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder will never be mistaken as optimists. In fact, the famed directors' movies reflect the thoughts of famous crime writer Raymond...

Top 10: The Best of Clooney

b&b co-founders bill bodkin and brent johnson recall the best roles from one of hollywood's best actors ... We're not going to lie: George Clooney...

Review: Dane Cook’s ISolated INcident

bill bodkin shows his love for the comedian's new dvd ... I've been a Dane Cook fan for about four years . Ever since my...

Review: An Education

brent johnson lobbies for Alfred Molina to score an Oscar nod for An Education ... As awards season approaches, the talk about An Education will...

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