bill bodkin reviews Guy Ritchie's re-imagining of the classic literary character ...
The film-going public was left with an ambiguous piece of evidence this fall:...
b&B co-founder brent Johnson and guest blogger ryan hutchins debate the awesomeness of blu-ray ...
"Hey Blu-Ray... You Get Your Goddamn Hands Off Her!"...
bill bodkin reviews the cinematic bloodbath ...
"If you want blood ... YOU GOT IT!"
This exclamation by AC/DC lead singer Brian Johnson perfectly summarizes the...
bill bodkin dives into Wes Anderson's latest fantastical film ...
Wes Anderson has proven once again that he makes movies that are quote, unquote fantastic.
Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder will never be mistaken as optimists.
In fact, the famed directors' movies reflect the thoughts of famous crime writer Raymond...